Meshack Kipchirchir CHOGE
Kampala, Uganda
- @Kip__chirchir
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
5 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Run under 2h 10
Race day tip for other runners:
Better a small run than no run at all
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Fish and rice plus mungo blended juice
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Chicken meat pasta

Gilbert Kibet
- @Kibetgilbert
How long have you been a runner?
12 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
To run good
Race day tip for other runners:
to keep on running
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Thomas Guidotti
Bellbrook, Ohio
- @guidottithomas
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
11 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
I want to run around a 2:25 and place as highly as I can.
Race day tip for other runners:
Consistency is the most important thing in running. Keep showing up and never give up on yourself
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
A huge bowl of pasta
Your favorite post race celebration food:
A burger

Edwin Koech
- @Edwin koech
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
10 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
My goal is to run a memorable amazing race
Race day tip for other runners:
My piece of advice is let keep going and focus to achieve your goals.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Rice because its a energy meal.
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Meat for protein.

Charles Mahiuha
Nairobi Nairobi Kenya
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
24 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Breaking course record
Race day tip for other runners:
Training harder winning easy
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Ugali meat
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Rice beef

Sean Handel
Columbus, OH
- @Sean.handel
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
8 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Top 10 finisher!
Race day tip for other runners:
Consistency over everything.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
The classic – any type of pasta.
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Donuts + a beer!

Joe Dragon
Austin, Texas, USA
- @joe_dragon13
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
12 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Be competitive and test my limits
Race day tip for other runners:
Be consistent and patient.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Chicken parm
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Gilbert Yegon
- @gilbertyegon
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
16 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
To run the best seasonal time next year 2025.
Race day tip for other runners:
Train good with your group do exercise. Run clean and make the world beautiful In sporting.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Ugali and vegetables
Your favorite post race celebration food:
A lot of juice and water

Connor Weaver
Lewisville, TX, USA
- @trainwithweaves
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
18 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
My goal is to get in a great early season race and hopefully compete for the win!
Race day tip for other runners:
Make running a part of how you identify yourself to other people. You’re not just training for an event, you’re a runner. Once you identify as a runner– it becomes a daily part of your routine and you’ll see dramatic improvements.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Burger, fries, and a chocolate shake!

Joseph Whelan
Webster, NY
- @jpwhelan23
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
24 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Race day tip for other runners:
consistency is key, stack brick by brick and enjoy the process.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Chicken Parm
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Burger and Beer

Michael Morris
Austin, Texas, USA
- @SupaDupaSlim
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
20 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
To win or be the top Austin finisher of the race. Ideally I would like to run a fast time and potentially run a personal best and under 2:17.00 on this course.
Race day tip for other runners:
Stay consistent with training and focus on the big goals. Stay positive and excited about running and you will eventually hit your goals.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
The night before I like to eat a simple meal of grilled chicken, rice and some steamed vegetables.
The morning of I eat some oatmeal or a bagel and drink water or electrolytes and have a little coffee.
30-40 mins before the race I’ll eat a BPN Go Gel and Go bar.
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Pizza or a Burger and normally some post race beer

Kipkoech David
Nairobi Kenya
- @
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
7 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
to run pb
Race day tip for other runners:
Running is healthy and medicine to the body
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Jonathan Hulzebos
Jacksonvile, FL, USA
- @jhulzebos
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
15 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
My primary goal is to put myself in position to run a Personal Best and compete well against the other elites.
Race day tip for other runners:
My biggest piece of advice would be to be patient. Consistency does wonders in this sport and in my experience I’ve seen that runners can often get in their own way by doing too much too soon and expecting quick results.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
I’m sure to have a big pasta meal two nights before the race and the day before I keep things pretty simple with very simple carbs and lean protein. I usually have something pretty boring like a turkey sandwich on white bread with some pretzels the night before a race.
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Pizza and Ice Cream all day!

- @
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
30 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Race day tip for other runners:
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Henry chumba
- @
Marathon PR
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
6 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
under 2:08
Race day tip for other runners:
train hard win easy
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Emmanuel Kimutai
- @
Marathon PR
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
3 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Race day tip for other runners:
train hard
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Andrew Bowman
Ferndale, Mi, United States
- @andyb_xc3
Marathon PR
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
23 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
The goal is always to have a good time, not necessarily a fast time.
Race day tip for other runners:
Consistency and finding a way to enjoy the process are the top priority in this sport.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
The night before a big race my wife and I usually eat salmon and rice, chicken and potatoes or a margarita pizza.
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Anything breakfast related.

Jarrett LeBlanc
Hathaway, Louisiana, USA
- @Jarrettleblanc08
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
20 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Get out there and compete. This course will bring out the best from everybody. It will test the mental compacity to do something great and I have been preparing myself for just those tests.
Race day tip for other runners:
Water splits rock eventually… The longer you can stay consistent and push your barriers; things will happen. It is almost guaranteed you will not win everyday, but progress is progress.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
I’m a country boy; so rice and gravy! but right answer- Pasta of course
Your favorite post race celebration food:
an Over the top with all the trimmings CHEESE BURGER.

Erick Monyenye Mose
- @
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
15 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
To be the Championship
Race day tip for other runners:
Focus on training and they will achieve their goals no matter how long it takes.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Carbohydrates and proteins
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Colin Herrmann
Grand Rapids, MI
- @Colin_herrmann97
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
15 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Have fun, compete, and run a new personal record.
Race day tip for other runners:
Find some friends to run with.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Pasta with seafood

Thomas George
Asheville, NC, USA
- @
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
5 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Enjoy the city and run a new marathon PR!
Race day tip for other runners:
When running begins to feel like a burden try and find where you first discovered the running spark and get back to that place whether it be easy jogs on the trail or running with friends.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Beer and pizza.

Charles Rono
Nakuru, Kenya
- @
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
6 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
My aim is to run my pb and win the race
Race day tip for other runners:
To always keep pushing since no human is limited
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Fruits at most e.g bananas
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Fried chicken

Sean Casey
Kingsville, Texas
- @seankc56
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
10 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
I want to run under 72 minutes and compete for every place. I want it to be a fun first half marathon with my training partner.
Race day tip for other runners:
Make sure you make running fun! Love of the sport is something we all share and what will drive us through the hard days. Also, consistency is key!
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Peanut butter and banana on a bagel.
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Pizza and beer.

- @menbarotmane
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
17 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
My goal is to enter with the top 3 places.
Race day tip for other runners:
Continuity in training
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Moroccan Tajine

- @
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
14 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
My goal is less than 2 hours and 14 minutes and also to enter the first 3 places
Race day tip for other runners:
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Brown rice
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Carter Campbell
Windsor, CO, USA
- @carterwcampbell
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
10 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
I feel like I’ve found my stride in the marathon distance, and after achieving my goal for sub 2:30 at Indy Monumental, I feel it’s time to see what I can do over the half distance. I’ve never run a half outside of CO, so I’m excited to set a big PR at fast, sea-level course.
Race day tip for other runners:
Stay dedicated to your goals. You owe it to yourself to be able to say “I did” or “I tried” instead of “I wish”
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Peanut butter bagel, a banana, and a cup of coffee.
Your favorite post race celebration food:
A big pizza and a beer with friends!

Ryan Wojdyla
Austin, Texas, USA
- @Wojd_23
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
19 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Finish in the Top 5
Race day tip for other runners:
Have fun with your training and join a running group
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Carbs usually some kind of pasta
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Andy Merrill
Lake Butler, FL
- @a_merrill1
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
18 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Sub 1:12
Race day tip for other runners:
Trust the process
Long term consistency is greater than short term intensity
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Steak or cheeseburger

Lu Bouanga
Cypress, Texas, US
- @_1king_lu
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
13 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Compete and enjoy the crowd while exploring the streets of Austin.
Race day tip for other runners:
Do the little boring things more often, like sleep, massages, eating the right things and rehab before the injury happens.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Pasta with red sauce and salmon.
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Jollof rice with grilled fish

Kevin Petow
Austin, Texas, USA
- @kevinpetow
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
22 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Top 10
Race day tip for other runners:
Listen to your body. Never a bad idea to take a rest day.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Pizza (the night before)
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Nothing beats a burger with fries.

Florence jemeli Cheruiyot
- @Jemeli Florence
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
18 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Beat my current personal best
Race day tip for other runners:
Hardworking beats talent
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Ugali and veggies

Alison Wells
Bossier City, LA
- @alison_wells0801
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
16 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
My goal for this year’s race is to run under 2:45. I am working hard to hit an Olympic Trials Qualifying time, and I believe this would be a great jump towards that long term goal.
Race day tip for other runners:
Believe in yourself. I wouldn’t be completely honest if I didn’t say that I struggle with that often. I know my coach, family, and friends believe in me, and I believe that God has placed this ability and goal in my heart for a reason. But the greatest power resides in the ability to believe in oneself, work hard, and make it happen. Believe in yourself!
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Spaghetti and meatballs!
Your favorite post race celebration food:
A good juicy burger or fried chicken (whatever is first available) ?

Christine Ramsey-Hardy
Austin, Texas, USA
- @Dr.chrissie
Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
24 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Top 5 finish, 1st Masters
Race day tip for other runners:
Focus on consistency
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
I don’t have a specific meal but tend to stick with something pretty bland right before a race like pasta and bread or salmon and rice.
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Cheeseburger with avacado and bacon and Amy’s ice cream.

Kayla Moore
Portland, OR, USA
- @kaaylaamooree
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
15 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Sub 1:17!
Race day tip for other runners:
Be patient with yourself; no running goal is too small.
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Keili Dorn
Killeen, Texas, USA
- @runwithkeiii
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
10 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
My goal is to be in the top 10 for females!
Race day tip for other runners:
It takes dedication and commitment. Even on days you don’t feel like it, get out the door!
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
Toast with peanut butter and bananas
Your favorite post race celebration food:
Hamburger, fries, and a milkshake!

Rachel Werking
Eau Claire, WI, 54720
- @Werkingrunner
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
18 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
Enjoy my time getting to know Austin Texas on foot.
Race day tip for other runners:
Enjoy the process
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
PB banana bagel
Your favorite post race celebration food:

Sammy Origoni
Austin, Texas, USA
- @_sammy.o
Half Marathon PR
How long have you been a runner?
17 Years
Your Goal for this year’s race:
sub-80 minutes in the half
Race day tip for other runners:
Be patient! Getting better at running takes time. Also, a lot of the work is boring but, as my coach tells me, being bored is a privilege
What’s your go-to meal before a big race?
2 Muffins
Your favorite post race celebration food:
burger & fries