Tag Archive for: 2020 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon

9 Beginner Running Tips to Get You Started

Get on the right track with these beginner running tips 

Every runner begins at square one. Whether you’re just starting out or returning from a long break from running, these nine beginner runner tips will get you started. Some might not need all nine, but everyone will use at least one to get them going. Remember to have fun, running should be enjoyable!

Don’t track distance

Run on the Boardwalk to track your time, a helpful beginner running tip!

Austin has a massive amount of places to implement these beginner running tips!

Track time instead. Focus on time on your feet when you begin. Start off with a time that’s comfortable for you and increase that amount over time. For your first time out, try running/walking for 15 minutes and see how that feels. If you feel fine, increase it by 3-5 minutes next time! After a few weeks when you get more comfortable being on your feet you can begin tracking mileage.

Take walk breaks

When starting out, your heart rate will increase quickly. You’re asking a lot of your body when you first begin running. Your body will adjust accordingly. Taking walk breaks will allow your heart rate to come back down and catch your breath. When you’re on your first 15-minute run, alternate running and walking every 60 seconds. The next time you’re out, run for 90 seconds and walk for 60. Eventually you’ll eliminate walking altogether!

Run in a location you’ll love

Austin runners can run on the Greenbelt, trail running is a helpful beginner running tip.

If you love nature, try running/walking on the trail when you first start out.

Love nature? Go to the trails. Like a certain coffee shop? Run near the shop and reward yourself. Enjoy being near water? Check out the Boardwalk. Running at a location you love helps you have a better experience when you first start out.

Get fit for running shoes

You’re running, get running shoes! Fit matters. You want shoes that fit your feet, provide comfort, and look good. Visit our friends at Fleet Feet Austin. They’re the Official Running Store of the Austin Marathon. You can use their state-of-the-art foot scanning machine to get fitted with the shoes that’s best for you.

Start slow

Don’t start like you’ve been shot out of a cannon. Begin at an easy, comfortable pace. You don’t want to wear yourself out or elevate your heart rate too soon. Your effort shouldn’t be stressful. Starting slow allows your body to warm up and helps prevent injury.

Track your progress

Group photo of friends before running the 2019 Austin Half Marathon. Running with friends is a great beginning running tip.

Run with friends and track your progress all the way to the finish line.

As mentioned above, don’t track distance, track time. Keep a log of the amount of time you spent on your feet. Track the amount of jogging and walking and how many times you alternate. This will inform you what your next workout should be, how much you run/walk, and how much time you spend on your feet. 

Lower your expectations

If you’re just starting out, you won’t run a 5K right off the bat. Every runner, from elites to beginners, starts at square one. Make sure your expectations and goals are attainable. If you set lofty goals and don’t achieve them you can get burned out and lose interest. Start off small and work your way up!

Listen to music you love

Make a running playlist that you’ll love! Don’t have the time? Check out our #WeLiketheSoundofThat playlist on Spotify! Listening to music you love will help pass the time, act as a timer for your workout, and help distract from the task at hand. Feel free to sing out loud if needed! If using headphones, make sure the volume is low enough to hear your surroundings.

Run with a friend who is at your level

This tip is beneficial for two reasons: accountability and camaraderie. You’ll hold each other accountable, meaning you’re less likely to hit snooze for that early morning run if you know your friend is waiting for you. Additionally, you can push one another when needed, compare training progress, and congratulate one another when you do something great!

Beginning to run can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t break it down. The benefits of running are endless and these beginning runner tips will get you on the right track. Did you use a specific beginner running tip when you first started running? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

Self-Imposed Challenge Accepted

If he can do that, so can I; self-imposed challenge accepted

Michael ran the 2017 Cap10K after he accepted his self-imposed challenge.

Michael ran the 2017 Cap10K after he accepted his self-imposed challenge.

Michael Coffey was a cyclist. He self-admittedly didn’t consider himself a runner, even though he ran to cross-train. His story of how he became a runner is next on our My Running Story series. Coffey started out like most runners, talking with someone else about running. He believed in himself and next thing you know… self-imposed challenge accepted. Read how Coffey went from a 10K to the start line of the 2018 Austin Marathon

Not really a “runner”

My name is Michael. I never really considered myself a “runner.” I would run some when I was big into cycling, but never ran road races of any kind. This all changed in April 2017. Someone mentioned they were running the Cap10K. I thought, if he can run a 10K, I can run a 10K. BOOM!! Self-imposed challenge accepted. 

I trained for two weeks. Everyone said I would finish around 1:30-1:40. My goal was to just finish injury-free. Race day came and I was nervous. I finished my first 10K in 1:07:30 at 51 years old. I was hooked. The race day environment was exciting and special. 

Self-imposed challenge accepted

Shortly after that race, our son suggested I try a marathon. Sure, why not, I said. Self-imposed challenge accepted. While researching marathons, I found the Austin Marathon in February 2018. I immediately registered. I started training in July 2017, a 32-week beginner training plan. Training went well. In February 2018, I completed my first marathon in 5:26:09 at 52 years old. 

Since that self-imposed challenge in April 2017, I’ve completed multiple 5K & 10K races, one half marathon, three marathons, and the Trivium Hill Country 50K. I have logged about 1,700 training and race miles. I’m now in training for my first 50-mile run in November (Wild Hare) and am again registered for the 2020 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon. Self-imposed challenge accepted. I LOVE TO RUN?

My Running Story is a series of blog submissions from runners just like yourself. They submitted their inspirational running stories as part of a contest to win an entry of their choice to the 2020 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon. Their stories range from crossing their first finish line to drastic lifestyle change due to running. Everyone’s story is different and unique, impacting them in a specific way. While each story is specific to the author, everyone can resonate in some form or fashion because of the power of running. Submissions will be accepted through August 16, 2020. Other My Running Story submissions include Kayleigh Williamson and Kirsten Pasha.

Valentine’s Day Running Love Story

How two runners fell in love on Valentine’s Day

Kirsten met the love of her life on Valentine's Day at the Austin Half Marathon.

Kirsten met the love of her life on Valentine’s Day at the 2014 Austin Half Marathon.

People expect many outcomes from running. They want to get healthier. Fit into an old pair of jeans. Make new friends. But seldom do two people fall in love because of running. Well, that’s exactly what happened on Valentine’s Day before the 2014 Austin Half Marathon! Read how Kirsten met the love of her life before running 13.1 miles in the next installment of My Running Story.

Running gave them more than they ever imagined

In 2014, I ran the Austin Half Marathon for the first time. That year it took place on Valentine’s Day. While stretching on the side of the road, I noticed a very cute, sleepy guy snoozing on the sidewalk next to me. I laughed and asked him if he was ready to run 13.1 miles. He looked up at me with big, sleepy eyes and smiled. My heart skipped a beat. 

He quickly woke up and we had a lovely chat. Before I knew it the race had started and he disappeared into the crowds. The entire race I hoped I’d run into him again at the post-race celebrations. When I crossed the finish line I took out my phone to find my friend. I had a friend request from the sleepy guy! He memorized my bib number, looked up my full name at the race time station, and found me on Facebook. I asked him out and we’ve been together ever since.

We are now married and just welcomed a daughter into our family. We’d love to run the Austin Half Marathon together again in 2020. We would commemorate that Valentine’s Day morning six years ago when we met and fell in love. The Austin Marathon helped me find everything I hold most dear in life. This is my love story.

My Running Story is a series of blog submissions from runners just like yourself. They submitted their inspirational running stories as part of a contest to win an entry of their choice to the 2020 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon. Their stories range from crossing their first finish line to drastic lifestyle change due to running. Everyone’s story is different and unique, impacting them in a specific way. While each story is specific to the author, everyone can resonate in some form or fashion because of the power of running. Submissions will be accepted through August 16, 2020. Other My Running Story submissions include Kayleigh Williamson.

Putting Her Mark on the World through Running

Kayleigh is putting her mark on the world and improving her health through running

Sandy Williamson submitted My Running Story’s first entry. However, the story isn’t about her. It’s about Kayleigh, her daughter and the first runner with Down syndrome to cross the Austin Half Marathon finish line. Kayleigh’s health was trending in the wrong direction. She was faced with a difficult task, one she is still working towards today. Read how Kayleigh has greatly improved her health and is putting her mark on the world.

Kayleigh Williamson, the first runner with Down syndrome to cross the Austin Half Marathon finish line, is putting her mark on the world through running.

Kayleigh Williamson was surprised with her Austin Distance Challenge jacket at the 2019 Austin Half Marathon finish line.

The start of putting her mark on the world

Kayleigh began running shortly after she was diagnosed with ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura – low blood platelets) in 2008. Auto-immune disorders tend to affect individuals with Down syndrome. In 2012, she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. That was in addition to developing sleep apnea due to her weight and becoming pre-diabetic. In 2014, her diagnoses changed from hypothyroidism to hyperthyroidism (Grave’s Disease).

In 2016, Kayleigh started training for the Austin Half Marathon (her first!) as part of the Austin Distance Challenge. However, along the way, her platelets dropped to a life-threatening level and she had to have her spleen removed. This affected her training due to her recovery. But nine months later, she stood at her first half marathon. That first race took her almost six and a half hours to complete, but she completed it. She did not earn her jacket for the Distance Challenge.

Running to succeed

Not earning her jacket did not deter her from signing up two more times for the Austin Distance Challenge. On her third attempt, she earned her jacket. During her attempts to complete the Distance Challenge, she steadily lost weight resulting in the elimination of her sleep apnea. I bet you didn’t know that 22 million Americans have sleep apnea, however surgery isn’t the only option. Often a special mouthpiece can help patients get back to a restful sleep. But also, Kayleigh’s sugar count was back in a normal range and her Grave’s Disease went into remission. She did not develop any new autoimmune diseases and was taken off all medications. In 2019, not only did she earn her jacket, Kayleigh lost a total of 60 pounds.

Kayleigh Williamson’s book, It’s Cool to Be Me.

Through running

Kayleigh completed her first out-of-state half marathon last April. She helped found Kayleigh’s Club, a nonprofit running group for runners with disabilities. Kayleigh was not raised to use Down syndrome as a reason for not trying something. She was raised to know that there are things she will be able to do just like everyone else (and we celebrate that). Just like everyone else, there will be things she won’t be able to do (and we celebrate that since that means it’s something for someone else to do and we want to cheer them on).

Running has empowered Kayleigh to the point of writing and publishing her first children’s book. It’s Cool To Be Me is about the experience of her first half marathon. Her first book signing will take place on Thursday, July 11th, in Austin, Texas, at Fleet Feet Austin. Kayleigh is an Athlete Ambassador for the National Down Syndrome Society. She has goals to influence other individuals with disabilities to start running and make healthy food choices.

My Running Story is a series of blog submissions from runners just like yourself. They submitted their inspirational running stories as part of a contest to win an entry of their choice to the 2020 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon. Their stories range from crossing their first finish line to drastic lifestyle change due to running. Everyone’s story is different and unique, impacting them in a specific way. While each story is specific to the author, everyone can resonate in some form or fashion because of the power of running. Submissions will be accepted through July 31, 2020.