Safety Tips to Follow During Your Next Run

7 safety tips that’ll keep runners safe

Running outside has tons of benefits no matter what type of run you’re completing! You can hit up the trails, take in the sights of a new city, breathe fresh air, say hey to folks you know, and so much more! But with those benefits comes some potential harm. There are many ways to ensure you finish your run just as healthy and safe as when you began. Whether you’re running one mile at your local track or 20 miles on your favorite trail, these 7 safety tips will help keep your training on track.

Run with a friend

Running with a friend is fun! It’s also one of the best ways to stay safe on a run. You’re more likely to be visible to vehicles and less likely to be the victim of a crime. Think strength in numbers. Should something happen to one of you, the other will be quicker to get help and assist until help arrives. Plus, everyone knows it’s better to train with friends because they will hold you accountable. If you need help convincing your friend to train with you, this advice should do the trick!

Listen to your surroundings

Whether you’re running the roads or the trails, you should always pay attention to your surroundings! Music can help us power through our run, but it can also prevent us from hearing what’s going on around us. If you run with earbuds, keep one out. If you run with both, keep the volume at a low level. You can also ditch the earbuds and play your music out loud. 

Run against traffic

Take your phone with you during your run in case you need it.

It’s important for you to see drivers and for drivers to see you. Running against traffic allows you to see what’s coming your way. Avoid running against traffic on blind corners as drivers won’t have enough time to react if they don’t see you until the last second. Plan your route ahead of time to ensure you’ll always run against traffic, especially when you increase your mileage.

Look both ways when crossing the street

This tip goes all the way back to childhood. When running, you should pay attention to everything. Don’t assume vehicles will stop. Chances are they might not see you. Also, just because you pushed the button to cross the street doesn’t mean it’s immediately safe to cross the street. Pay attention to all signals, when it’s your turn, still look both ways! Even though you think you know the light sequence, it could’ve changed. Don’t assume anything Pro tip: if you’re stuck at a light, spend that time completing one of these 4 stretches.

Wear reflective clothing

Reflective clothing will help with visibility, which is imperative when running outside. You want to be seen by vehicles so they can plan accordingly. Light-weight lights can also be placed on your arms, shoes, ankles, or hat. Reflective clothing and lights will also help you be seen by cyclists and other runners. Reflective clothing is especially helpful in the dark. These BSEEN LED bands will help you be more visible in the dark. They’re lightweight, have an extended battery life, and can fit on your arm or around your ankle. If you run early in the morning or at night, check out these night running safety tips

Carry your phone

Your phone can do more than just play music or track your GPS. It’s the most beneficial tool you can have in the event of an emergency. Make sure your phone is fully charged before you take off on your run. If you’re ever in an accident or come upon one, having your phone available can make a massive difference. Carry your phone hassle-free with a SPIbelt. They’re available in many different sizes and colors.

Tell someone about your run

Before you take off, tell someone your planned route, mileage, and when they can expect you back. This person can be a loved one, co-worker, or roommate. This gives them an idea of when to expect you back and where to check should you not come back on time. Turn on the setting that allows someone to know your location, most smartphones have this. Here are instructions for iPhone and Android on how to share your location.

Pro tip: vary your route. Switching up your route is not only great for your training, but it also reduces the chances of someone harming you on your run.

By utilizing one or all 7 of these safety tips, you increase the chances that you stay safe on your next run. Chances are you already use some of these. Increase your safety when running by using them all the time!

Setting Running Goals? Incorporate the ABCs of Goal Setting

Setting goals can help you reach things you may think are unachievable

Achievements don’t just pop out of thin air, they are are earned. Highly successful individuals are big on setting goals for themselves. This is why it is important to apply goal setting to things you would like to accomplish in running. Goal setting in running does a few things. They can hold you accountable, be motivating, and build confidence.

Many times we desire something but we get lost on the path and come up empty handed. That is why it is important to follow the ABC’s of goal setting: Accountability, Belief, and Commitment.

By following these you will be able to grow with your goals and achieve all your running dream. 

Choosing Your Running Goals

First, choose a big goal. For beginners this might be to run a 5K while those that have been running for awhile might set a goal to win their age group or maybe even winning a marathon. These are all example of larger scale goals that can take longer to accomplish.

Once you have your big goal you will want to set smaller goals that you can easily cross off and that help you build to your goal. These can be anything from starting walking once a week, transitioning to running for the very first time, or even completing a specific type of run workout.

It’s imperative to have smaller, attainable ones along the way to your large goal. These smaller goals can keep you on track and keep your motivation levels high. Start with 2-3 goals that effect your everyday and then 2-3 goals that you will achieve over time. 


Big Goal – Run a Marathon in 2022

Smaller goals to help you get there: 1) Set a healthy weekly meal plan 2) Wake up 30 minutes earlier to have time to workout 3) Complete a virtual 5K 4) Run a 9:00 mile

Once you have these set, it is time to apply the clue that will hold them all together.

Applying the ABCs of goal setting


Two runners celebrate after crossing the 2019 Austin Half Marathon finish line.

You don’t have to go at this alone, invite in your friends and family. Associating with the right people always has a positive influence on your thoughts and actions. Communicate your goals with those around you and then surround yourself with those who support you.

For example, find a training partner. Training with someone who has similar aspirations will help you stay accountable. If you have plans to run early in the mornings, you’re more likely to get out of bed if you know your friend is out there waiting on you. In addition to holding each other accountable, you and your training partner can compare notes, adjust training as needed, and celebrate each other’s accomplishments. 

If you don’t currently have anyone in your community reach out new places, like the Austin Marathon Facebook Group. There are so many amazing online communities, be sure to lean on these and find your people.


Image of a runner posing in front of a 2020 Finisher backdrop after completing the 2020 KXAN Simple Health 5K. First-time runners should set a goal and find a corresponding training plan, like the free 5K training plan in this blog.

Have faith in yourself, you can do this! Maintaining a positive attitude is the crux of achieving what you set out to accomplish. You’ll have bumps and bad weather along the way. Focus on what you can control. Negative emotions affect your health negatively and give you a reason to skip a run or workout.

On the other hand, believing you can achieve your goals will go a long way during your training. Don’t set completely unrealistic goals. You want them to push you, but not so much that it negatively impacts your training. Mental toughness needs to be a part of your belief system. Learn how to build your mental toughness so you can get through the tough times.


Commitment goes in tandem with accountability. You have to fully commit. Sign up for the race that meets your goal. Trust us with money on the line and having those around you to check in and make you accountable – you are so much more likely to get the the finish line.

Commitment is an integral part of goal setting and improves the chances you do what’s needed to reach the smaller ones. If you commit to training for a race, you also have to commit to early mornings, eating healthier, and completing your workouts.

Every commitment you make gets you one step closer to reaching the finish line. Don’t let excuses get in the way of your commitment. Use these excuse busters, they’ll keep you on track.

What To Do When Goals Get Off Tack

When goal-setting, make them attainable. That’s how you improve and set goals that make you a better athlete and person. If you think you can increase your mileage with a few weeks with some hardcore training, you are wrong. In reality, you increase your chances of injury.

If find yourself slipping off and saying “oh I’ll do that tomorrow…next week”, pause reassess your smaller goals and find ways to balance life and training. When thinking about what’s next for you, make sure you begin your foundation with the ABCs of goal setting. They’ll help keep you on track and accomplish your smaller goals along the way.

What Causes Side Stitches and How to Prevent Them

Understand the causes of side stitches and learn how to avoid them

Do you ever feel a sharp pain in the middle of your abdomen during a run or workout? You probably have a side stitch. It is not exactly known what causes side stitches. According to some researchers, the continuous flow of blood to the muscles and diaphragm can cause it. Side stitches could also be caused by excessive movement of the torso that leads to irritation in the abdominal lining. Beginner runners are more prone to getting side stitches as their bodies become more acclimated to running. Below are some ways to prevent side stitches and tips on what to do if you get one.

What to do if you get a side stitch while running

Every runner has experienced this. You’re in the middle of a run, feeling good, in a rhythm. And then you get a side stitch. There are times where it’s a minor one and slowing your pace and breathing deeply makes it go away. However, if it persists then you should address it with the steps below before it becomes more painful.

  • Stop running, but keep walking
  • Inhale and exhale slowly
  • Raise your arms above your head and stretch the affected side
  • Hydrate
  • Follow this cool-down routine

Cycling can help improve your performance and endurance as a runner.

Advice to prevent side stitches

1. Strengthen your body

Over-activation of the respiratory system leads to the tiring out of muscles if they are not in shape. Adding yoga or pilates to your regimen can help strengthen your core. Cycling is great for strengthening your lower body and reducing the pounding your legs take while running on the road.

2. Stretch before you run

Loosen your muscles and allow your body to warm up before you take off. Taking 10-15 minutes to stretch before you run will get your muscles ready and increase blood flow. Try the three lower-body stretches below.

  • Quadriceps – stand upright and hold your heel to your back with the knee downwards
  • Hamstrings – stretch one leg sideways and tuck the opposite foot into your inner thigh, then bend forward and hold the foot of the stretched leg
  • Calves – put your knee forward at a 90-degree angle while keeping your left leg straight and behind you

Stretching and hydrating can help prevent side stitches.

3. Hydrate

Experts recommend drinking 16 ounces at least 90 minutes before a run. If you are hydrating 30 minutes prior to running, drink 4 ounces. Hydrate with electrolyte-based drinks and water. Avoid sugary sports drinks if you can. The more you keep your body hydrated, the lesser your chances of cramping.

Side stitches happen. They’ll pop up if you’re running more miles or trying to increase your speed. Your goal should be to prevent them from occurring so you can complete your entire run or workout. Should one pop up, follow our advice so you can take care of it immediately.

High Five Events Ranked #35 on 2020 Inner City 100 List

Placement marks the company’s first time on the 2020 Inner City 100 list

The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) announced that Austin’s High Five Events is a winner of the 2020 Inner City 100 (IC100) award which recognizes the 100 fastest-growing firms in under-resourced communities across America. The winners were picked based on revenue growth and job creation during the four-year period from 2015 to 2019. Winners were revealed at the 2020 ICIC National Conference held virtually on December 8th. The full list is available here. High Five Events is led by Stacy Keese, Dan Carroll, and Jack Murray. They were ranked 35th on the 2020 Inner City 100 List based on its four-year revenue growth rate of 240.17% and job creation of nine. 

Great achievement

“This is a proud moment for us to be included on the IC100 list,” said Stacy Keese, co-owner of High Five Events. “This is another proof point that what we are doing is working. It is incredibly rewarding to be recognized alongside leaders from so many industries across the county.”  

Beginning with the launch of a single triathlon in 2003, High Five Events has grown to become one of the largest privately owned event production companies in the United States. High Five Events is a community-centric company based in Austin, Texas. Their staff has more than 100 years’ combined experience organizing large events across different venue types in a variety of locations. The 18-year-old company owns and produces the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon, CapTex Tri presented by Life Time Fitness, Rookie Triathlon, Jack’s Generic Triathlon, and Kerrville Triathlon Festival. They also produce 3M Half Marathon presented by Under Armour and Cap10K.

2020 Inner City 100 list explained

In order to measure the impact of COVID-19 and the resulting economic crisis, ICIC conducted an in-depth survey of winners. They gathered information on the companies’ estimated 2020 end-of-year revenue versus 2019. They also estimated 2020 end-of-year employment versus 2019 and information on a company leader’s approach to leading through the COVID-19 crisis. 

Each winner shared stories of how they had to pivot due to the pandemic, from transitioning manufacturing centers to produce PPE, to learning how to sell virtually for the first time, to even holding free office hours with tech experts on a weekly basis – countless examples of innovation, grit, and resilience. 

In addition to the survey, ICIC has collected demographic data on all the winners. They also used metrics around revenue growth and job creation, included below.

2020 IC100 Winners by the Numbers

  • Average Company Age: 17
  • Cities Represented: 56
  • States Represented: 29
    • Industries Represented: 25
  • Woman-Owned/Led: 42
  • BIPOC-Owned/Led: 51
  • Veteran-Owned/Led: 7
  • First-Time Winner: 71
  • Hall of Famers (will have won the IC100 for at least 5 times, including this year): 15
  • Average Four-Year Revenue Growth Rate: 310%
    • Average 2019 Revenue: $8,986,862.31
  • Total Jobs Created: 3,230
  • Total Employed by IC100 Winners in 2019 (year-end number): 7240

These numbers bear out some encouraging trends. This year’s IC100 list had the highest number of women-owned/led companies. There was an increase of eight companies from 2019 and 17 since 2015. The 2020 list also contains the highest ever number of BIPOC-owned/led companies. This is an increase of seven since 2019 and 11 since 2015. 

“IC100 companies are forces of economic opportunity, optimism and transformation in their communities, and it’s an honor to recognize High Five Events’ leadership,” said ICIC CEO Steve Grossman. “Especially during this incredibly challenging time, as small business owners reckon with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, these pioneering entrepreneurs have demonstrated a deep commitment to and passion for their local communities.”