Tips for Balancing Life and Training

Stay on track with this advice on balancing life and training

Marathon and half marathon training can be the perfect way to get physically fit and optimize mental health. Studies show running reduces anxiety and depression, promotes relaxation, and even prevents aging of the brain. As we all know, life can get in the way and take your focus off your training routine. Remember, it’s never too late to get back on track. Here are some simple tips for balancing life and training so you can reap running’s wonderful benefits.

Pro tip: make sure you have these essential items before you begin training.

5 helpful tips below

Make the most of your morning

There’s no escaping the fact that marathon training places a huge demand on your time. You need to dedicate a number of hours each week to training. This includes tempo runs, long runs, cross-training, speed workouts, and recovery. The key is to utilize the time you have before heading out for work, just as 36-year-old Michele King Gonzalez does.

The social media star has not let her marriage, children, or her hectic full-time career get in the way of running. She has a fine-tuned routine where she wakes up at 4:00 a.m. on most days and hits the pavement at 5:00 am. She utilizes that one hour to fix lunches and knock out other tasks.

Prepare to save time

Planning ahead helps you streamline your week’s activities and squeeze out more time for marathon training. On Sunday, Gonzalez chooses her jewelry and helps the family pick their outfits for the entire week ahead. The weekend is when Gonzalez also prepares meals for the week ahead. Pro tip: use these 4 stretches for your pre-run routine to save time.

Keep recovery meals simple

When you juggle multiple things in your day-to-day life, preparing recovery meals can be an uphill task. Simplify your recovery meals by just including a low fat, high protein drink such as chocolate milk. Munch on nutritious snacks throughout the day such as nuts or protein bars.

Expect disruption

No matter how well you plan and prepare, disruptions can and will occur. Instead of stressing about these, the key is to expect them and leverage the opportunities created by them to enhance your training. For instance, run on the treadmill at home in case of bad weather. You can also flip workouts or runs if one day offers less time than expected. Handling adversity is also a great way to build your mental toughness.

Involve your family

When we asked about tips for balancing life and training on Facebook, this was a popular response. Bryan Golz said, “…make it a team effort. When the family is involved nobody feels left out.” Train with your family on shorter runs, during workouts, or recovery sessions. Brian Pfeiffer said, “ Buy a jogging stroller and train with your kids!” This is a great point, especially if you can’t leave your kids at home. Your training runs will be much slower, but you’re also getting stronger. You’ll fly when you run without the stroller!

Relax and reward yourself

Adequate sleep helps rejuvenate you and boosts recovery. Just don’t forget to reward yourself when you achieve smaller training goals every week. These can be as simple as getting a massage, watching Netflix, or just spending time with family.

The key is to effectively manage your time. Life happens, just don’t let it slow you down! By planning ahead you reduce the amount of time needed later to achieve the same tasks. When this happens you create more time for yourself, your family, and effective recovery. 

Guide to Enjoying Outdoor Spaces in Austin

Take advantage of the beautiful weather at these outdoor spaces in Austin

Finally, the Texas summer is over. While our evenings get darker earlier, there is still plenty of time during the day to enjoy many outdoor spaces in Austin. There are tons of great locations, but we’ve narrowed it down to some of our favorites. From coffee to cocktails and paddleboarding to parks, our list has you covered! Pro tip: this list is a great way to reward yourself or spend your rest day if you’ve started to increase your mileage.

Austin’s murals

Image of the I Heart Queso mural in Austin. It's one of the Austin Marathon's favorite on-course murals.There are countless amazing murals around town. We’ve showcased some of our favorite murals along the Austin Marathon course, but that’s just the tip of the paint can! Cycle around town, visit some of the murals, and take a selfie with them. Check the mural for the artist’s handle so you can give them a shoutout on social media. Pro tip: the earlier you get there the better the chances you won’t have to work with traffic or other visitors.


Start your morning at Mozart’s, one of the best places in Austin to get coffee. While you’re there, post up on the massive deck and enjoy the Lake Austin views. With plenty of outdoor space, Mozart’s is also an ideal place to work for a few hours or watch the Austin sunset. Mozart’s is on the Austin Marathon course.

Cosmic Coffee 

From breakfast to dinner, Cosmic Coffee has it all. And there is a ton of outdoor space. Start your morning next to waterfalls with a latte and a bagel. Or you could visit the chickens or coy pond before grabbing lunch from one of the food trucks. Pro tip: when it gets really chilly they light the fire pits so you can snuggle up next to a fire with a hot cup of coffee.


Austin is fortunate to have Town Lake, a massive body of water downtown that offers so much. Now that the sun isn’t blazing hot, it’s time to get out on the water and really enjoy yourself! Whether you’re into kayaking or stand up paddleboarding, there are plenty of places to get started. Pro tip: this is a great way to spend your rest day. No running, but you’re still outdoors, getting a workout, and enjoying the fresh air.

Gibson Street Bar

Grab a beer and enjoy the outdoor space at Gibson Street Bar. They’re located off Lamar and offer 16 craft beers, cocktails, and wine. There’s something for everyone. Don’t feel like cooking dinner? Visit Luke’s Inside Out trailer for appetizers and burgers. This is a great place to wind down your day.

The Wheel

If you’re in East Austin looking for a neighborhood bar with ample outdoor space, look no further. The Wheel has a rotating selection of local and craft beers. Visit their outdoor beer garden and you’ll be greeted by a beer fountain! The Wheel is on the Austin Marathon course.

Austin Parks

From the world-famous Barton Springs Pool and Town Lake Hike and Bike Trail, Austin is known for its green spaces. It’s truly a benefit to our city. Pack a lunch and enjoy a picnic. Finish the book you’ve been reading. Go for a trail run or bike ride. There are so many ways you can enjoy Austin’s parks. Visit the city’s site to find a park near you.


The stars at night, are big and bright, deep in the heart of Austin! Even the lights of Austin can’t keep all the stars from shining. Take some time after dinner to gaze at the night’s sky and search for shooting stars. Two places to get you started involve a short walk. Visit Mt. Bonnell or the overlook near the 360 Bridge. Both offer sweeping views of the Texas sky. Mt. Bonnell has steps and a longer walk, while the 360 Bridge Overlook is a shorter, more rocky climb. Want to get away from Austin’s light saturation and really see the stars? Visit Enchanted Rock in Fredericksburg.

Sour Duck Market 

Their outdoor seating is ideal for relaxing in the cool air and enjoying happy hour. Sour Duck Market have an on-site smoker and smoke their own meat. Looking to start your day with some coffee and fresh air? Swing by for breakfast and get something from their coffee shop and bakery. Sour Duck is on the Austin Marathon course.


Take your upscale dining outside or enjoy craft cocktails on Comedor’s patio. Chefs Gabe Erales and Philip Speer have truly elevated the food game in Austin. You can’t go wrong with anything on their menu, from appetizers to dessert. Don’t sleep on their mouth-watering Bone Marrow Tacos! Their outdoor space is a relaxing oasis in the middle of downtown. Comedor is also home to Austin’s newest running club, Comedor Run Club. Their purpose is to create an inclusive space for Austin’s food community to connect and live a healthier lifestyle.

With so many outdoor spaces in Austin, the only problem you should have is deciding what to visit first! Many of these you can combine into an epic day. Start off with some coffee, kayak for a few hours, enjoy happy hour, and grab some dinner. And you can do this all outdoors! Make sure you take advantage of the amazing Austin weather and visit these outdoor spaces in Austin.

Run Austin Virtual Series Cooks Up Fifth Event, Taco 10K

Taco 10K recognizes every runner’s favorite post-run nutrition, the taco

In July, the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon presented by Under Armour and 3M Half Marathon presented by Under Armour created the Run Austin Virtual Series. Everyone is invited to participate in the 6-month-long virtual series. The events provide monthly milestones as participants train for Austin’s two most beloved running events. The Run Austin Virtual Series began with the Wildflower Mile in July. It has continued with the Armadillo 5K (August), Round the River 4-Miler (September), and Makin’ Music 5-Miler (October. The series continues in November with the Taco 10K. The final event, a 10-miler, will be announced in December.

Image showcases the Taco 10K digital finisher medal, singlet, and long-sleeved shirt. Learn more at“Participants continue to hit their monthly milestones for the Run Austin Virtual Series while training for the Austin Marathon or 3M Half Marathon,” said Stacy Keese, co-owner of High Five Events. “It’s no secret that we love tacos, so you know we’re extra excited for the Taco 10K!”

Run Austin Virtual Series

Participants of the Run Austin Virtual Series receive themed, downloadable personalized bibs, digital finisher medals, and finisher certificates. Participants will also enjoy fun extras like an online finisher photo booth and virtual reality filters for social media. Registration is open for each of the events for $18. Free entry to the entire six-event series, a $108 value,  is available to participants of the 2021 3M Half Marathon or the 2021 Austin Marathon, Half Marathon, and 5K. New distances will be launched at the beginning of the month. Limited-edition merchandise customized for each event will be available for purchase throughout the series.

Austin’s flagship running event, the Austin Marathon, will celebrate its 30th anniversary on February 14th. It annually attracts runners from all 50 states and 35+ countries around the world. The start and finish locations are just a few blocks apart. They are within walking distance of many downtown hotels and restaurants. The finish line is in front of the picturesque Texas State Capitol. The Austin Marathon is the perfect running weekend destination. Registration is currently open.

The 3M Half Marathon boasts one of the fastest 13.1-mile courses in the country. It will celebrate its 27th year running on January 17th. Runners will enjoy a point-to-point course with mostly downhill running. The 13.1-mile course showcases some of Austin’s finest locations. Participants start in north Austin and finish near the Texas State Capitol. Many participants set their 13.1-mile PR because of the 300’ net elevation drop. Registration is currently open.

How to Build Mental Toughness for Running

You can become a better runner when you build mental toughness

It’s easy to get caught up in the latest gear and gadgets during training. Runners can get caught up in the newest shoes, the latest GPS watch, or the latest update to your training app. But are these gadgets the answer to potential struggles? Maybe not. Most agree that a big part of success in any sport is due to mental factors. Building mental toughness is about setting up strategies for when we encounter an obstacle or feel uncomfortable. Don’t ignore the need to build mental toughness during your training.

Assume that thoughts, feelings, and performance are intertwined. With that, runners can begin the process of overcoming their runs rather than the feeling overcome by their runs. Mental training is an important part of an athlete’s overall development. Many runners do not identify this part of training and often find themselves struggling during their training or a race. One of the basic principles of success is to simplify the process of thinking. Pro tip: adjust your expectations according to the weather when you learn how temperature affects performance.

As many runners will confirm, you run as well as you think. With so many thoughts running through the brain, it can be difficult to reduce distractions and negatives. One of the reasons why runners ignore the mental aspect of running is that they are not familiar with the basics of sports psychology and mental training. In keeping with the “less is better” philosophy, mental training is better understood using the construction of the following three words: Think –> Feel–> Perform


Before your next run, take a moment to identify your thoughts. Are you optimistic about your planned distance? Are you thinking about how good you will feel during and after the race? Maintaining positive thoughts before and during the run is the first step to controlling your performance. Uncomfortable and negative thoughts might start to creep in. Bring yourself back to your “why” and tell yourself positive “I am” statements. The statements below and these 11 other tips can help make running easier.

  • I am strong.
  • I am willing to push through and complete my goal.
  • I can do this effort longer.
  • I am doing this to better myself.  


Determine your emotional state as you warm up with these 4 stretches. Identify your thoughts. Are you excited about the run? Do you feel a personal challenge with the distance? Do you feel confident in your abilities? Are you anxious, nervous, or stressed about the mileage? Maintaining positive emotions before and during the run is the second step in gaining control over your performance.

Visualize other times in your life or training where you have achieved a goal you set for yourself. Harness this feeling and project it towards your current goal. Check your playlist if you are listening to music. Make sure your running playlist consists of music that’ll pump you up and energize you. If more relaxed music or a podcast helps, listen to that to calm your nerves. 


Practice daily. This does not mean you have to run every day, but you can put yourself in situations where you have to practice mental toughness. Increase the weights during your workout or add more reps. If you ride your bike, add more miles to your ride. 

Introduce yourself to situations that may happen on race day during your training. Get out of bed and start that workout in the cold weather. Next time it is raining, instead of skipping, go out and run in the rain. These 7 tips will make running in the rain more fun. Didn’t sleep well? Attempt your planned run. You can see how the lack of sleep affects your ability to keep positive thoughts and emotions. Pro tip: get a good night’s sleep and save some money during Austin Marathon weekend when you book these hotels!

Overcome the common struggle

Having positive thoughts and feelings right from the start will give you a chance to succeed. This may not result in PR, but you are in a much better position to have a pleasant experience with the right mindset. Your thoughts can affect your emotions, and your emotions can affect how you perform. Once you get into the race, a strong mile will lead to more positive thoughts, more confident emotions. Conversely, negative thoughts usually lead to negative feelings. 

If you find yourself struggling with a few runs, understand your thought process during the runs. Chances are it’s a negative, self-defeating thought that makes you question your abilities. Turn your thoughts into something positive, optimistic, and confidence-building. When you go out on the streets, it will help you feel good about yourself and crush your runs.