Meet nuun

Meet nuun hydration, the Official Hydration of the Austin Marathon presented by Under Armour

nuun is our chosen hydration partner for the 2019 Austin Marathon presented by Under Armour. We will serve nuun hydration products on race day. We encourage all of our participants to train with what will be on course. Use the 30% off code below and save. You will also find nuun and a rainbow of their flavors at our Health & Fitness Expo. Swing by their booth and meet nuun!

Who/What is nuun hydration?

Did you know that nuun stands for nutrition uncompromised? #makeyourwatercount Share on X We have chosen to partner with them because their product is designed and formulated by athletes, for athletes. Furthermore, all nuun products are vegan, gluten-free, and low calorie. This means that when you hydrate with nuun your body reaps all of the hydration benefits without consuming any extra junk and artificial ingredients.

Hydration is rad!

Hydration is important whether you’re running a marathon or a marathon of errands! A consistent intake of water throughout the day is the easiest way to start living a healthier lifestyle. Hydrating correctly can lead to increased energy levels, support healthy body function, and ensure your body is absorbing all of the nutrients from the food you consume every day.

Water + nuun = hydration bliss

Make your water count! Did you know that there is a better way to hydrate than with just water alone? nuun products are designed based on the science of fluid absorption. The right blend of electrolytes facilitates optimal water absorption. As a result, nuun hydration’s propriety blend of electrolytes and water replenishes what your body craves after workouts.

The experts at nuun wrote this article. To learn more about nuun hydration, visit their website at

Meet nuun, the official hydration of the 2019 Austin Marathon presented by Under Armour.

The District Cultural Arts Fest Giveaway

Win 2 tickets to The District Cultural Arts Fest on Sept. 1st

The Austin Marathon provides two different tours of Austin. One is 13.1 miles long. The second is 26.2 miles in length. They showcase the best that Austin has to offer, including restaurants, murals, and historic places. In 2018, the course was changed to proudly run through the historic East Side with the purpose of showcasing more of Austin. Feedback has been positive as runners loved the exposure. The District Cultural Arts Fest on Sept. 1st is no different! And you and a friend can win two tickets to learn more about the rich cultural history of this vital part of Austin. BONUS: we’re adding two Austin Marathon VIP entries! That’s more than $400 in value.

Celebrate East Austin

Presented by Six Square, the District Cultural Arts Fest is an exciting celebration that honors the rich legacy and cultural contributions of Central Texas’ Black community. Join Six Square – Austin’s Black Cultural District as they continue creating a nexus of thriving Black arts and culture in East Austin. They will have two guided bus tours departing at 2:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon. Those tours will stop at sites of national, regional, and local historic significance. Each site will celebrate African Americans and others who played important roles in creating the vibrancy of Austin and The District.

Win 2 tickets to the District Cultural Arts Fest on Sept. 1st!

Win 2 tickets to the District Cultural Arts Fest on Sept. 1st!

Sites include Six Square Headquarters, Doris Miller Auditorium, Oakwood Cemetary, Givens Park, a secret location, and Huston-Tillotson University. The District Cultural Arts Fest will highlight the history of each of these locations. Each site will feature a different interaction, whether it be dancing, music, or theater. All sites will feature food and drinks. For more information, including site details and ticket prices, please visit Six Square’s website.

To win, visit the District Cultural Arts Fest post on the Austin Marathon Facebook page. Like the post and tag the friend that you’d take with you in the comments. It’s that simple! Contest ends on Thursday, August 30th.

4 Reasons to Have a Training Partner

The right training partner can make all the difference when preparing for longer distances

Don’t train alone! Finding at least one training partner can make all the difference. Perhaps it’s your neighbor, your best friend, or someone you meet through the Austin Marathon Facebook Group. However you met, your training partner just might be the most valuable asset in your training regimen.

So if you don’t have a training partner yet, read the four reasons you need one below.

1. Accountability

Being held accountable provides the extra jolt needed to get all your workouts in, this is especially beneficial if you’re adjusting your schedule to incorporate new training times. You’re less likely to hit the snooze button if you know someone is supposed to meet you for your morning run. Accountability is more than just meeting up to run. It should also include taking care of your body by incorporating proper nutrition and recovery.

2. Positive reinforcement

During training, there are a lot of smaller goals to meet before you reach the start line. Celebrate those achievements! A training buddy will be there for you with a high five when you finally hit a faster pace or when you reach your new long run goal. It also feels good to be there for someone else and to know that you are helping them meet their goals.

3. Push the boundaries

It’s easier to be complacent if you’re training alone. A training buddy will be there to push you. You can set up challenges for each other and help push the envelope of what you thought possible. Nothing like some friendly competition.

4. It is more fun

It really is that simple. Keep running as part of your life if it is something you enjoy.

Looking for someone to be your training buddy? Try posting in the Austin Marathon Facebook Group.

PROfile: Daniel Bishop, 2018 Austin Marathon 3rd place male

Daniel Bishop maintains an active life while churning out quality races

About: UPDATE – Since Austin, I ran the Salt Lake City Marathon finishing 2nd overall (2:31.20), the Utah Valley Marathon finishing 3rd overall (2:27:37), and the Deseret News Marathon finishing 2nd overall (2:31:15). Next on my schedule is the St. George Marathon (St. George, UT) on October 6th. It’s a fast race and my goal is to break 2:20 there this year. Next year, I hope to return to Austin again for the 2019 race! In my personal life, I recently got engaged and am getting married September 7th! As a result, I am in the throes of planning a wedding in addition to submitting another round of applications to medical school.

Graduated from the University of Utah, BS: Exercise and Sport Science. Currently working at Recreation Equipment Inc. (REI) and in a hematology research lab. I have run the Austin Marathon five times now and have been fortunate to finish top three in the past four years (2018 – 3rd, 2017 – 2nd, 2016 – 3rd, 2015 – 3rd). Aside from running I enjoy skiing, biking, and hiking; essentially anything that gets me into the mountains.

Training tip: Tailor your training to the course, Austin has some hills, so run those hills!

Race day tip: If you didn’t do it in training, don’t do it on race day.

Upcoming Races: St. George Marathon (10/6)

Returning for 2019 Austin Marathon: That’s the plan!

Social media: Facebook and Instagram