Tips and Advice for Running Your First Marathon

If you’re running your first marathon, this advice is for you!

Are you training for your first marathon? Congratulations! You are about to embark on a wonderful journey that will test your limits and push you to reach new heights. While the experience is sure to be unforgettable, it is important to go into your first marathon with a solid game plan. That’s why we asked experienced runners to share their best tips for running a successful marathon. Keep reading to see what they had to say!

Just like training, find what works best for you. Thanks to all the veteran runners who responded in support of those running their first marathon.


  • Trust your training.
  • When running up and down hills, shorten your stride. Study the maps. Run the tangents. – Phillip B. 
  • Invest in good shoes and gear: This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s worth repeating
  • Don’t worry about finish time! The slower your time on your first marathon, the easier it is to PR the next one. – Molly B
  • Join a training group or run club and utilize the accountability and community.
  • Seek out support from family, friends, and fellow runners. Not only will this help keep you motivated, but it will also make the experience more enjoyable. Who knows, you may even make some lifelong friends along the way!

Hydration and nutrition

  • Hit the water stations and before you think you need to. You risk much more by letting yourself get behind on hydration and nutrition while running your first marathon than overdoing it.
  • The first few water stops might be very crowded. Visit the last table. Or bring a throwaway water bottle.
  • Eating healthy, balanced meals and staying hydrated will help improve your energy levels and give you the stamina you need to get through those long runs.
  • Practice consuming hydration or gels during training. Make sure your stomach tolerates it. You might deal with some things better than others! – Timo R.
  • Don’t eat a mountain of pasta the night before the race- you’ll just give yourself a stomach ache. Eat more, smaller/normal-sized meals throughout the day.

Mental toughness

  • Take out your earbuds for the final mile to hear the crowd and your name being announced as you cross. Epic moment. – Patti G.
  • Enjoy yourself, you only get one first marathon!
  • You’re not going to win, so relax and enjoy the journey!  You’ve got it! – Cheryl M.
  • In the first half, don’t be an idiot; in the second half, don’t be a wimp! – Karen O.
  • I always say the longest distance to overcome is the distance between your ears! Enjoy the day! – Janet P.
  • Keep your head up and look far away.
  • Wear your medal for the rest of the day.


  • One of the most important things you can do when preparing for a marathon is to create a training schedule…and then stick to it!
  • Have friends or family take pictures of you on course if that’s something important to you. 
  • Body glide, don’t forget it. 
  • If you feel a blister, stop at an aid station and add some vaseline or moleskin (if available).

Race day

  • Break the race into smaller parts. For example, get to the halfway point, then mile 20, then you have 10K to the finish. 
  • More steps are better.
  • Start the race slooooow. Like painfully slow. Settle in and speed up for the second half if you feel good. – Rebekah E
  • Make sure you have the splits written on your arm. Trying to remember anything or calculating splits late in the race is difficult. 
  • If you don’t think you’re going too slow, you’re going too fast. – Lisandro Z. 
  • Don’t change your race plan just because everything feels good early on. If you feel like you must go faster, then increase speed after about mile 23.

The one tip ALL veterans had if you’re running your first marathon…

Absolutely nothing new on race day!

Running your first marathon is a huge accomplishment—regardless of your reason for doing it! Some run because they love the challenge and sense of accomplishment that comes with completing 26.2 miles. Others because they want to prove something to themselves, improve their lifestyle, or raise money for an official Austin Marathon Gives charity. While the reasons for running your first marathon differ, one thing remains true for everyone: you never forget running your first marathon! By following these tips from our veteran runners, you can set yourself up for success and have an amazing experience doing it.

Just remember to invest in quality gear, create (and stick to) a training schedule, fuel your body properly, and seek out support from family and friends. With proper preparation, running 26.2 miles will be an experience you’ll never forget…in a good way!

2023 Launch Week Kick Off

Registration for the 2023 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon Officially Opens May 2

Launch Week Offers Many Incentives to Registrants


AUSTIN, Texas, April 30, 2022 — Registration for the 2023 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon® officially opens Monday, May 2nd. The 31st Annual Austin Marathon is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 19, 2023, in Austin, Texas. The initial pricing structure is offered during Launch Week of May 2-9 and is as follows: Austin Marathon $139, Austin Half Marathon $119, Austin Marathon 5K presented by Paramount Theatre $59.  Registration is available here.

Launch Week consists of different giveaways each day plus some fun in-person get togethers. Visit the Austin Marathon Facebook event page for more details on the group runs. To receive each day’s offer, sign up for the Austin Marathon mailing list here

Monday, May 2nd

  • Free Personalized Name Plate for finisher belt buckle with registration
  • Follow @AustinMarathon on instagram to catch the location of our street crew for a chance to pick up some swag

Tuesday, May 3rd

  • Morning run with the Morning Jo’s (Austin, TX) at 6:00 AM
  • Super Coffee Free Trial pack with registration* 
  • Afternoon run with RAW Running (Austin, TX) at 6:30PM 

Wednesday, May 4th

  • 1 in 10 registrations wins a SPIbelt

Thursday, May 5th

  • Run with Wolf Rack Running in San Antonio, TX 
  • 40% off Under Armour Code with Registration 

Friday, May 6th

  • Run with Fleet Feet Downtown Austin, TX 6:30 AM 
  • Register and be entered to win a GU’die pack. 

Saturday, May 7th

  • Free Personalized Name Plate for finisher belt buckle with registration

Sunday, May 8th  

  • Register and be entered to win a swag pack with Under Armour Shoes and Backpack 

Monday, May 9th

  • 1 in 10 registrations wins a SPIbelt


Everyone who registers during launch week is entered to win a $2,000 Grand Prize which includes: 

  • 4 Race entries. One to each of the following events – Ascension Seton Austin Marathon, 3M Half Marathon, Ascension Seton CapTex Tri and Kerrville Triathlon
  • Saturday Night Hotel Stay for Austin Marathon
  • 2 VIP Tickets for Austin Marathon 
  • Austin Marathon Jacket
  • Under Armour Shoes 
  • Swag Bag full of goodies!

Those who register during Launch Week will also have the option of adding the 3M Half Marathon and receiving $10 off as part of the combo deal.  In addition, this year the Austin Marathon is honoring nurses with steeply discounted rates, nurses can apply for the discount here

The 2023 Austin Marathon preparation is well underway and will once again see a premium swag bag and belt buckle finisher medal, plus continued participation of Central Texas nonprofits through Austin Marathon Gives, an enhanced finish line festival, complete with beer garden, a fully supported course with 22 aid stations stocked with Nuun, two GU Energy Zones, live music throughout the course and at the finish line festival.  Having start and finish locations just a few blocks apart, being in the heart of Austin’s main attractions, restaurants and hotels, and finishing in front of the picturesque Texas State Capitol makes the Austin Marathon the perfect running weekend destination.    

If you are interested in hosting a group run in your town please email to get added to the official launch week calendar. 

About The Ascension Seton Austin Marathon: Founded in 1992, the Austin Marathon has been owned and operated by High Five Events since 2017.  Austin’s flagship running event annually attracts runners from all 50 states and 30+ countries around the world.  The economic impact to the City of Austin is in the tens of millions of dollars annually and has provided millions of dollars in fundraising efforts to charities over the years.  


How Runners Can Make Every Day Earth Day

Every morning, when you wake up and get into your running shoes, what is that one thing that motivates you to go out and do the hustle? Besides the obvious desire to remain fit, the beauty of the Earth itself is a tremendous motivator that makes us want to head out and experience the wonders of nature on foot.

Whether you like to run across a sandy beach or in a park with tall trees, running is so much more fun when done in the lap of nature. The fresh breeze blowing through your hair, the vast expanse of greenery, the pleasant chirping of birds, and the soothing sound of water trickling offer the ideal setting for a run.

If you enjoy running in natural settings and admiring the beauty of the Earth, then you may find that you enjoy doing your part to ensure that it remains the same for a longer time. It is no secret that the Earth is suffering a slew of problems, such as global warming and climate change. With a few small changes, we can help make every day Earth Day!

Check out the following suggestions for some fantastic ideas on how you can make a difference.

Soles4Souls donates old sneakers to people in need

Recycle or Donate your old gear and running shoes:

Every time you purchase new running gear and shoes, think about recycling or donating your previous attire instead of dumping it in the garbage. There are numerous methods for recycling shoes. Take them to your local Goodwill or homeless shelter. Many companies now have recycling and reuse programs for athletic equipment and shoes. You can look up relevant locations and offer your equipment for recycling.



Girlfriend Collective Moss Compression Run Short

Make purchases from eco-friendly brands: 

Today, no matter what you wish to buy, you will have an infinite number of vendors to choose from. If you are committed to making the planet a healthier, cleaner, and better place, make the right option when deciding on your running gear. At present, there are many brands like Brooks, Girlfriend Collective and Allbirds that create a wide variety of products from recycled materials and sustainable methods.




Under Armour Playmaker Jug Water Bottle

Take a refillable water bottle from home:

Plastic pollution is a big threat that the Earth is dealing with. If you carry around disposable plastic bottles to relieve your thirst while burning calories, a reusable and refillable water bottle would be a better solution. You may lessen your carbon impact on the earth in this manner.

Ensure that you run on a clean track: 

The simplest way you can contribute to the conservation of planet Earth is by keeping it clean. So, if you are running down a route and come across a few wrappers or cans, you know what to do. Simply pick them up and toss them in a nearby trash can.

These were a few tips to help you take care of the environment while taking care of your body. Follow them and inspire others to join you in making the Earth a greener and more pleasant place to live in.

Tight Shoulders? Try These Stretches

Tight shoulders can be very painful.

They are often seen in athletes because they use their shoulder muscles and ligaments too much. Tight shoulders can also affect the neck region and sometimes the whole upper body. If you don’t warm-up and stretch properly before muscle training, the chance of having tight shoulder blades increases. A tense shoulder blade restricts your movements and makes you feel anxious because it causes a lot of discomfort. It can keep you from getting a good night’s sleep and make it hard to do everyday activities.

Let’s check out some stretches that can give you relief from tight or stiff shoulders:


Neck Stretch– Bend your head towards your left shoulder so that your left ear touches the shoulder. Placing your left hand over the right side of your temple, gently pull your head to the left. Maintain this position for nearly thirty seconds. Then repeat the same for the right side. 

Crossbody Arm Stretch– Keep one of your arms straight and hold it across your chest with the other hand. Pull the upper part of the crossed arm towards your body gently for ten seconds. Relax and repeat by switching the arms. 

Shoulder Rolls– Stand or sit in a proper posture. Keeping your arms straight, roll the shoulders up, forward, and down in sync. Swiftly continue this movement to the count of ten. Then repeat the same rolling movement backward. 

Chin Retraction– You can do this exercise while sitting or standing. Maintain a proper posture of the body and move your chin to the front (as far as possible without causing strain). Then tuck it back into your neck.

Arm Circles– Position your upper body properly while standing straight near a wall. Move one arm slowly in a circular motion. Keep making big circles with the arm till the count of 10 in each direction. Then turn the around to repeat the same exercise with the other hand. 

Back Hand Clasp– Keep your hands over your lower back, both the palms touching each other. Slowly angle your upper back so that the shoulder blades are tucked together.

Neck Rolls– Rotate your head by using forward and sideways movements of the neck. You can do it by making a semicircular shape with the movement of your neck by moving it from one side to the other. Stop and repeat in reverse after 5 rotations.

These shoulder exercises can help you by relaxing your shoulders so that you can quickly resume your training.