7 Taper Tips to Follow Leading Up to Austin Marathon

Implement these 7 taper tips leading up to race day

The Taper. For those unfamiliar, tapering is referring to the reduced volume and intensity of workouts in the weeks leading up to race day. While some runners find it hard to scale back after so much time dedicated to training, others find themselves glued to their favorite couch. Doing too little or too much during this time period can compromise all your hard work. Stick to your training plan and focus on what’s in your control. Make sure you are at the top of your game by following these 7 taper tips between now and race day.

Reduce work stress

While it might be out of our hands, setting yourself up with an easy week or two of work can have a big impact on your energy going into race day. If there is a project that needs to be completed, put in the extra effort now to finish it or see if it can be completed after race day. Try building this into your schedule: find a quiet place to meditate for 10-15 minutes in the morning or evening.

No new workouts

We’re clearly stating the obvious, but now is not the best time to roll your ankle playing basketball or pull a muscle lifting heavy weights. Stick to what you know and focus on less-intense and lower-volume workouts. Keep your runs to less than 60 minutes, but leave room for flexibility based on what your body says. It’s fine to do some easy cross-training on non-running days, as long as the activity doesn’t make your muscles sore or increase the potential for injury. If you don’t want to exercise on days you don’t run, that’s okay, too.

  • Example of a one-week-out marathon workout: 15-min warm-up jog / no more than 4-5 miles at half-marathon goal pace / 15-min cool-down jog
  • Example of a one-week-out half marathon workout: 10-min warm-up jog / no more than 2-3 miles at half-marathon goal pace / 10-min cool-down jog

Read a book or binge a show

Has running taken time away from your favorite book or that newly-released TV show on Netflix? Now that you’re logging fewer miles it’s time to play catch-up! If you plan to cross-train it won’t hurt to go for an easy ride on a stationary bike. Read while you pedal. Catch a couple of episodes of that new show. The distraction from that book or the show will also help distract you from taper madness and the fact that you’re running less.

Foam roll

Increase your foam rolling! Make sure your body is in tip-top shape for race day. Work out all those kinks. Keep your muscles feeling good. If you need to, see a massage therapist. As long as you have access to some products, foam rolling can be done practically anywhere. The benefits are immediate. Have some extra time in the morning before leaving for work? Foam roll. Free time at lunch? Foam roll. Catching up on that TV show? Foam roll. You get the idea!


This may be the best thing you can do for yourself at this time. Experts recommend sleeping eight to nine hours per night. To start, choose a consistent time that you are in bed, this may or may not include actual sleep. This will signal to your body that rest is important and hopefully lead to more shut-eye. Instead of focusing on trying to get a good night sleep the night before, try for two nights before. Pre-race jitters can sometimes leave us with the “I am not even sure if I slept at all” feeling the night before. Don’t let this bother you. One poor night’s sleep shouldn’t affect your performance if you have tapered well in other aspects.


Skip the pizza and beer for now. Focus on a diet that balances moderate carbohydrates from whole food sources, quality protein, and healthy fat. You may also want to keep a close eye on your calorie intake. While you are used to high-intensity training and the extra food that comes with it, you still have to watch what you eat. The pounds you knocked off can sneak back on in these last weeks, which is less than optimal for race day.

Avoid eating that can affect your sleep quality. This includes eating large meals within 90 minutes of going to bed, spicy foods, or large amounts of protein.

Now is also a good time to make sure you are well-hydrated. It is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. You can also add electrolytes from nuun, to get your body ready for race day hydration. Hydrate with what will be on course, Mango Orange nuun performance. You can also try the on-course fuel with Gatorade Endurance gels.

Race Morning

By starting now, you are setting yourself up to be ready race morning. The last advice we have is to arrive at least 90 minutes before the start. Walk or jog around as a light warmup. Then follow the Camp Gladiator trainers as they lead a pre-race warm-up at 6:45 a.m. at the start line.

Universal Advice from an Elite

Rizzo’s universal advice can be used by every runner

Patrick Rizzo is one of the most decorated and versatile distance runners in the United States. In December 2017, he ran 2:17:27 at the U.S. Marathon Championship in Sacramento, California. This made him a four-time Olympic Trials qualifier in the marathon; a remarkable and almost unprecedented achievement which solidifies his running legacy. To honor this accomplishment, Colorado Running Magazine named Rizzo its runner of the month. Rizzo is competing in the Austin Marathon’s Elite Athlete Program on race day. He’s sharing some tips that have led to his success. His universal advice can be applied to all runners!

An Athlete’s Perspective – Issue 15

by: Patrick Rizzo

Race day for the Austin Marathon (Feb. 17th) is rapidly approaching. We’re in the final month of training now. This is where the fatigue sometimes gets the best of us. The mileage starts to think it’s winning. Nerves start to sneak into our thoughts. Taper madness is trying to set in. All of those things are normal though. It means you’ve been working toward a goal and you care enough to push yourself in order to achieve it.

Congratulations on getting this far! This is the metaphorical peak of the hill and now it’s time to come downhill. With that said, mistakes can still be made. Having covered the marathon distance 20 times myself, I’d like to share some universal advice. This universal advice is applicable to runners of all speeds and experience levels. Implement this universal advice to run your best and have a positive experience at the 2019 Austin Marathon.


Decide what you’re eating the night before the race and practice eating that same food before quality days. When a friend asks what you thought of the course, it’s better not to answer in terms of how frequent the port-o-potties were spaced on the course. Especially if it’s within your control to practice.


Sticking with the specifics, have you tried nuun hydration? nuun performance will be the on-course hydration. Same with Gatorade gels and blocks. There will be two stations on the marathon course handing out nutrition. If it doesn’t suit your preference, plan ahead! Experiment with what DOES work and how you can carry that on race day. Gels pinned to the inside of shorts is a great way to carry your calories.


What kind of shape are your shoes in? Will they make it to race day or are you 50/50? Now is the time to plan ahead. Nothing is worse than befriending the medical staff because your forefoot grafted to the insoles of your new shoes (yes, that happened to me at the London Marathon in 2013).


Know your pace and stick to it. You shouldn’t be training more than five seconds faster than race pace and that’s even limited. If your regular runs are faster than goal marathon/half pace, either your goal is too slow or your training is too fast. Also, on race day, it’s easy for emotions to start out high (and take your pacing plan right with it). Prepare ahead of time to start at a pace that you plan to still find achievable in the last 5K.


HAVE FUN! Really. If training has become “work” then you’re doing it wrong! I train 100 miles a week, with a wife, a kid, and a full-time job. It’s still something I “get to do” and not “have to do.” Dads and moms, you can’t be afraid to get that running stroller out for the easy days and chat with the little one while you’re out there. My son and I have solved the world’s problems while we run together. It also gives me time to bond with him and gives my wife a break to do her workout. Fun comes from having balance and perspective.

An Athlete’s Perspective is a blog series of event and/or training experiences written firsthand by the athletes themselves. An Athlete’s Perspective is a completely unscripted and raw look into the mind and daily life of an athlete as they prepare for their next race. Readers will discover training regimens, eating tips, gear recommendations, and an uncut perspective into the lives of people like you and me.

Austin Gives Miles: Where Miles and Meaning Meet

Introducing Austin Gives Miles

It’s been reported that less than 1% of the world’s population has run a marathon, roughly seven million people (give or take). There’s an even smaller number of people who run marathons that need to be celebrated; those who run their race on behalf of a charity. Enter Austin Gives Miles, the Official Charity Program of the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon presented by Under Armour.

Austin Gives Miles gives runners from around the world the opportunity to give back to local and national nonprofits. This is accomplished by fundraising in conjunction with their race. Participants can raise funds while training for the marathon, half marathon, 5K, or Manzano Mile.

The concept isn’t unique to the running world. Charity endurance programs are a popular mechanism for charitable organizations to raise money for their causes. What is unique to Austin Gives Miles is that the program celebrates the local charities that make Austin great. Some of these Austin nonprofits rescue dogs, combat homelessness through running, and tackle cancer. Austin Gives Miles has a mission that will tug at your heartstrings and add even more meaning to your miles.

Lance Armstrong, Charity Chaser

The great part about Austin Gives Miles is that no fundraising effort is too small or large. Austin Gives Miles charities are proud, enthusiastic, and supportive of every runner that runs for their cause. Sure, large donations and lots of fundraising dollars are great, but Austin Gives Miles charities celebrate every runner, every connection, and every contribution to their mission. The program is even more exciting this year with the announcement that Lance Armstrong will run the 2019 Austin Marathon on behalf of Austin Gives Miles.

Lance is an Austinite, philanthropist, cyclist, and an avid runner. He is founder and owner of WEDŪ, a content destination designed to provoke and equip people to embody an endurance lifestyle. Lance is the 2019 Charity Chaser, a program started five years ago to raise awareness for Austin Gives Miles. This year, Lance will start the marathon in last place. He will raise money for every marathoner he passes on his 26.2-mile journey. The money raised will be evenly split between the local charities who work hard to make Austin Gives Miles a huge success.

If you are looking for a way to add even more meaning to your miles this February 17th, check out Austin Gives Miles. You can make a donation, support Lance, or raise funds for one of the 30 Austin charities.

PROfile: Jameson Mora, 2019 Austin Marathon Elite Athlete Program

Jameson Mora is ready to run the streets of Austin with the Elite Athlete Program

Jameson Mora has been accepted to the Austin Marathon’s Elite Athlete Program. He will compete against other top runners for a prize purse that totals $26,000 on Feb. 17, 2019. Late in 2017, Mora qualified for the 2020 Olympic Marathon Trials. He currently trains in Mammoth Lakes. Run with him on race day, cheer him on, or watch the FloTrack live stream on race day from anywhere in the world.

About Jameson Mora

Jameson is a not just a runner (Marathon PR – 2:15:44), he is a husband, father, and works full time. He has three kids and one more on the way! He loves his wife and appreciates that his family 100% supports his running. Jameson’s first race was a local 5K with his dad when he was 4 years old. He fell in love Jameson Mora will run in the Austin Marathon's Elite Athlete Program.with the sport immediately and has ran competitively ever since. Jameson graduated from Cal Poly SLO with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He lives in Mammoth Lakes where he runs a family business. Jameson provides online running coaching and enjoys helping people attain their running goals. He has qualified for the 2016 and 2020 Olympic Trials Qualifier.

“After almost 30 years I’m as motivated as ever and think my best running is still to come.” – Mora

*Earned “B” standard for 2020 Olympic Marathon Trials at 2017 California International Marathon (2:17:33)

Training tip: Don’t get hung up on the perfect training plan or the details. It all about constancy.

Race day tip: In most races you should listen to your instincts, not in a marathon. Your instincts can be deceptive especially in the early stages. Stick to your game plan through 30k then race.

Social media: Facebook and Instagram

Website: jamesonmoracoaching.com