The Latest From Our Blog

Run Austin® Kickoff Week Celebrates the Spirit of Running in the State Capital

The countdown to the Austin Marathon and 3M Half Marathon has begun! Join Run Austin Kickoff Week from Sept 5-12, 2023, for fitness, camaraderie, and fantastic prizes.

Breaking in New Running Shoes: Tips for Happy Feet and Faster Runs

Maximize comfort and performance with new running shoes! Gradually ease in, wear around the house, increase mileage carefully, choose moisture-wicking socks, and experiment with lacing techniques. Happy running!

Austin Marathon Donates over $600,000 to Charity

Thrilling news! Ascension Seton Austin Marathon reveals the impressive sum raised for 2023's selected charities through Austin Marathon Gives, presented by the Moody Foundation. Learn more about this impactful initiative.

What is a Base Run?

A base run is a short to medium-length run at your relaxed, natural pace. It is the most common type of run in a marathon training plan, and it is essential for building aerobic capacity, endurance, and running efficiency.

The Best Food Trucks in Austin: Tasty Street Food on Wheels

Join us as we delve into the delicious world of mobile gastronomy, uncovering hidden gems and iconic favorites that define the unique and diverse food culture of this spirited city. So, tighten your seatbelts and get ready to indulge in the ultimate treat: Tasty Street Food on Wheels!

How to Prevent Running Injuries: A Guide for the Austin Marathon

Running is a fantastic way to challenge yourself, stay fit, and push your limits, but it's equally important to take care of your body to avoid injuries that could sideline your marathon goals. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore key strategies and tips to help you stay injury-free as you prepare for the Austin Marathon.

The Top Festivals and Events in Austin: A Guide to Year-Round Fun

Austin, Texas is an exciting and vibrant city full of culture,…

Exploring Austin’s Hiking Trails: Nature’s Fitness Paradise

Austin, the vibrant capital city of Texas, is not only known for its live music and bustling food scene but also for its breathtaking natural beauty. With a plethora of hiking trails that wind through lush parks, scenic hills, and serene waterways, Austin offers a fitness paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. In this blog, we invite you to lace up your hiking boots and join us on an adventure to explore our top 5 hiking trails in Austin. 

10 Running Goals that are not focused on running faster

Running is not only about speed, and it's not just a workout.…