The 2020 August Running Playlist: Music to Your Ears
in Blog post, Running PlaylistWe curated the 2020 August Running Playlist just for you
You want music? We’ve got music! Austin is known as The Live Music Capital of the World and we are big music lovers. Every year, we showcase live music throughout the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon course and at the 3-block-long finish line festival. These monthly playlists will allow y’all to hear what we’re listening to. Each song can be found on its monthly playlist and our master #WeLiketheSoundofThat playlist! We also share every song on Twitter. Hit the ‘Follow’ button on Twitter so you know what’s next! The 2020 August Running Playlist has everything you need, from Manchester Orchestra’s heavy guitar riffs to Gloria Gaynor’s classic “I Will Survive.” Pro tip: having a playlist that you love is a great motivational tool to get you out of bed for your morning run!
Playlist pro tips:
1) In Spotify, drag the 2020 August Running Playlist to your ‘Playlists’ section for quick access
2) Then click the download button so you can listen even if you’re offline
Click play on the 2020 August Running Playlist before you take off for your next run. These songs can pump you up, allow you to catch your breath, or help you focus on the warm-up/cool-down. However you incorporate music, just make sure you can still hear your surroundings. It’s important to know what’s going on around you! Is there something you like that we didn’t list? Let us know in the Austin Marathon Facebook Group and Twitter.
Austin Marathon Joins AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Rankings
in Blog post2021 Austin Marathon participants can earn Age Group World Rankings points
The 30th annual Ascension Seton Austin Marathon has been selected as one of the qualifying marathons for the Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age Group World Rankings. The qualifying period of the 3rd edition of the rankings begins Oct. 12, 2020. The Austin Marathon will take place in Austin, Texas, on Feb. 14, 2021.
Compete against runners from around the world
The spread of the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group Qualifying Events creates a truly global series throughout the year. This gives runners across the world the chance to be part of a new era of age group marathon running. The 3rd edition features a 14-month cycle for participants to earn up to two qualifying times and a place at the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championships in 2022.
“The interest and excitement around the series continues to build, and as the second edition is in full swing, we are busy working to expand into new locations for the third year, said Tim Hadzima, Executive Director of Abbott World Marathon Majors said. “With the increase in world ranking races, we hope to give even more runners the chance to find a qualifying event within reach and realize their dream of trying to make it to the world championships. Thank you to all our partners and race organizers who help us develop the opportunities for age group runners across the globe.”

Credit – Scott Flathouse
World ranking’s details and information
- Qualifying period runs from Oct. 12, 2020 – Dec. 31, 2021
- The World Championships will take place in the spring/summer of 2022
- The venue and details will be announced by mid-2021
- Participants in an AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Ranking qualifying race will earn points according to their:
- age
- time
- gender
- age groups (men and women): 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+
- Due to the extended length of the 3rd edition of the world rankings to take us through to the end of 2021, some marathons will have their 2020 and their 2021 events included in the same qualifying period
- Where a race is featured twice in the one ranking period, runners can score points in both editions and use them as their two point-scoring races
- Visit the AbbottWMM website for more information on the scoring system and world rankings visit
Completing the 30th annual Austin Marathon will be a huge accomplishment! Make it an even bigger feat when you compete against runners from around the world. Participate in the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Rankings and let the training begin!
Increase Your Mileage with this Helpful Advice
in Blog postYou’ve set a bigger goal, now it’s time to increase your mileage
It’s been said that running is addictive. First-timers will feel it. Veterans know to expect it. Naturally, we want to go further and further, push the boundaries. Testing ourselves is one way to build our self-esteem and learn about mental fortitude. Setting a bigger goal can be overwhelming when you look at the goal by itself. But we’re here to help every step of the way! Follow our guide below for the best way to increase your mileage. It’s the best way to grow as a runner, reduce the chance of injury, and work towards your big goal!
REST – (1-2 times per week)
If your training plan calls for a rest day, TAKE THE REST DAY. This allows your body the chance to recover from the previous run or workout. If you get the itch to do something, make it active recovery. Foam roll throughout the day. Set aside time for deep stretching. Take an online yoga class. Those three options will speed up the recovery process and get you ready to run your best the next day.
Build your running stamina – (2-3 times per week)
As you increase your mileage, you learn to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Summer running in Texas doesn’t mean long distances (>13.1 miles). This is your time to work on your speed and form. Incorporate track workouts and work on increasing speed while running shorter distances. These shorter, higher intensity workouts will work your muscles differently. They will also better your body’s ability to consume oxygen.
Increase body strength – (2-3 times per week)
You’ll need to prepare your body for completing your big goal, whether that’s 13.1 or 26.2 miles. Break up running workouts with weight workouts. You don’t need to become chiseled or gain muscle mass. Focus on lighter weights with higher repetitions. You want to push the body, burn fat, and build lean muscle. Working muscles differently than when you’re running is critical. It helps prevent the overuse of the same muscles.
Set smaller goals – (1 time a week)
On a weekend morning, when it’s coolest, push yourself to run further than you did last weekend. When preparing to increase your mileage, you need to slowly teach your body that it’s capable of completing longer distances. You’ll eventually see that last week’s distance that was difficult is now easier. Over time, what was once thought impossible will become your warm-up. Slowly but surely increasing your mileage during the summer will put you in a prime position to really lock in your fall/winter half marathon or marathon training. This is when the weather gets cooler and you start feeling even better on your morning runs! Not a morning person? These 6 tips will help you get out of bed when the alarm goes off!
Do the work – (EVERY DAY)
This is self-explanatory! Whether it’s a rest day or your longest run ever, you have to do the work. You don’t need to set records or PR every time, but you do need to be consistent. That’s how you’ll build your running stamina and teach your body to run further and further. Pro tip: if there’s a day where you just can’t squeeze in a run or workout (because life happens), don’t stress. Don’t try to make it up the next day. Squeeze in a foam roll or stretch session if you can and keep moving forward with your plan!
There are many other factors that can impact how you increase your mileage: diet, hydration, nutrition, cross-training, injuries, etc. Those items can be built-in or dealt with as you progress. Just remember, you don’t just wake up and run these longer distances. This will take time, persistence, consistency. Do the work, set smaller goals, rest when you’re supposed to and you will achieve whatever goals are in front of you! Is there a tip or a trick you’ve used to increase your mileage? Let us know in the Austin Marathon Facebook Group or on Twitter!