Dedicating His First Marathon Will Push Him to the Finish Line

This runner is dedicating his first marathon to his biggest supporter

Runners dedicate their training and running to others all the time. Their dedication can show loved ones how much their support means. They can also dedicate their running to supporting a charity of Austin Gives Miles presented by Moody Foundation, the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon’s philanthropic program. Rene Arguello is dedicating his first marathon, the Austin Marathon, to his wife Veronica. She’s his biggest supporter. Read Rene’s edition of My Running Story to see how much he and his wife has been through recently and why he’s dedicating his first marathon to her. Are you dedicating your Austin Marathon to someone specific? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

Time to sign up for the Austin Marathon

Image of Rene Arguello and Veronica, his wife, next to a Christmas tree. He's dedicating his first marathon to her!

Rene and Veronica.

I started running about 15 years ago when someone told me that I would never finish my first half marathon. Is that reason enough to prove someone wrong? The real reason I run is to be an example to my family. I want to show them that running has great health benefits. Every now and then my wife and daughters will join me on a run. Currently I’m training for my first marathon. I have completed ten half marathons and everyone says it is about time I sign up for a marathon. 

I usually like to dedicate my training and racing to someone. When you dedicate a race to someone it gives you the motivation to finish. I am dedicating my first marathon, the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon, to my wife. Veronica  is my biggest supporter. She always waves to me or blows a kiss when I am on a training run. My wife even goes to every running expo with me. She knows exactly where I am on any given racecourse and pops up to say “Hi!” on any given street corner. Veronica knows my running so much that she know what foods I need to eat during training and what gear I should wear based on the weather and the distance. 

My wife has been through a lot recently. Her favorite cousin recently passed away from a drowning accident in Port Aransas. Prior to that, her uncle passed away. My wife helped coordinate her uncle’s funeral and the music, no questions asked. 

Running with a heavy heart

This year I am running with a heavy heart, but still staying positive about my training. I like to keep loved ones on my mind and dedicate miles to them during the race. My overall training has been going well. I am following a racing plan and definitely have been enjoying my long runs. Running is contagious. I have several coworkers that have started running and have already signed up for races. They say that I turned them into runners. Maybe I have turned them into runners because I am always talking about it and I am always happy to answer any running-related questions. 

It’s funny, whenever I tell someone that I am running my first marathon I always get a crazy look. I know I will finish my first marathon. I have no doubt about it, especially since I’m dedicating my first 26.2 miles to my wife.

My Running Story is a series of blog submissions from runners just like yourself. They submitted their inspirational running stories as part of a contest to win an entry of their choice to the 2020 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon. Their stories range from crossing their first finish line to drastic lifestyle change due to running. Everyone’s story is different and unique, impacting them in a specific way. While each story is specific to the author, everyone can resonate in some form or fashion because of the power of running. Other My Running Story submissions include Kayleigh Williamson, Kirsten Pasha, Michael Coffey, Samantha Santos, Tom Hamann, Erica Richart, Angela Clark, Rebecca Galvan, Jeremy Tavares, Axel Reissnecker, Blair Nagel, and Brittany Drennan.

5 Must Try Austin Eats on Course

Take your family and friends to dinner at these five South Austin restaurants

South Austin has a collection of some of the city’s most delicious food. Dinner is no exception. Plan your next date night or take friends and family who are visiting to one of these 5 south Austin restaurants along the Austin Marathon course.

Image of drinks and appetizers at Botticelli's outdoor space in the back. They're one of the Austin Marathon's five recommended south Austin restaurants. Credit: Botticelli's Facebook page.

Credit: Botticelli’s Facebook page.

They also make great options the night before you run the Austin Marathon or Austin Half Marathon! They’re within walking distance if you’re staying at a downtown Austin hotel during Austin Marathon weekend. Want more south Austin recommendations? Check out our lists for lunch places, breakfast spots, and coffee shops.

Botticelli’s (Mile 1)

This fun and tasty Italian restaurant is located on South Congress (1321 S. Congress Ave.), within walking distance of downtown hotels. Botticelli’s combines old family recipes and new, inventive ones. Their wine list is what dreams are made of! Make sure you order the Botticelli Bread. Sit out back by the beer garden and enjoy live, local music Thursday through Saturday.

Fresh shrimp and oysters at Perla's. They're one of the Austin Marathon's five recommended south Austin restaurants. Credit: Perla's Facebook page.

Credit: Perla’s Facebook page.

Perla’s (Mile 1)

If everyone is craving seafood, go to Perla’s (1400S. Congress Ave.). They fly in fresh fish and oysters daily from both coasts. Happy hour is Monday – Friday 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Dinner begins every day at 5:30 p.m. and they rotate their menus. Pro tip: order the Baked Shells & Cheese and add lobster!

Enoteca Vespaio (Mile 1.5)

Enoteca (1610 S. Congress Ave.) opened in 2005 and has served delicious Italian food since. This bistro-inspired cafe has it all: phenomenal food, amazing coffee, a full bar, extensive wine list, and delectable desserts and pastries. We recommend you begin with a charcuterie board before dinner and a cannoli after. What you eat for dinner is up to you!

Sway is an award-winning Thai restaurant. They're one of the Austin Marathon's five recommended south Austin restaurants. Credit: Sway Facebook page.

Credit: Sway Facebook page.

Sway (Mile 5.5)

Sway (1417 S. 1st St.) is an award-winning modern Thai restaurant, recently being named “2019 Best Thai Food” by the Austin-American Statesman. You’ll be blown away by their Blue Crab Fried Rice. Their dinner menu offers numerous gluten-free and vegetarian options. Yes, their margaritas are good. Pro tip: don’t anything extra spicy the night before the Austin Marathon!

El Mercado (Mile 5.5)

You didn’t think we’d make this list and not include Tex-Mex, did you? El Mercado (1302 S. 1st St.) is family-owned and started in Austin in 1985. They began on the front porch of their south Austin location and have grown ever since. Before you order dinner, make sure the entire table enjoys Phillip’s Special Queso. They will thank you for the entire night!

Image of taco plate with a side of salsa from El Mercado. They're one of the Austin Marathon's five recommended south Austin restaurants. Credit: El Mercado Facebook page.

Credit: El Mercado Facebook page.

These five south Austin restaurants provide a little bit of everything for everyone. They’re perfect for a night out on the town or for runners who want to carb-load before race day. Don’t forget, you can stretch out your legs during Austin Marathon weekend. These 5 south Austin restaurants are within walking distance of downtown Austin hotels. Did your favorite south Austin restaurant not make the list? Let us know what it is on Facebook or Twitter.

Thankful for Being Given the Opportunity to Run Again

After her injury, Brittany is grateful to have the opportunity to run again

Most of us don’t actually realize how much we love running until it’s gone. Sure we love getting outdoors, making new friends, de-stressing. But imagine for a minute that you can’t run again. Brittany Drennan lived in that world for 18 months. That’s how long her rehab from a terrible hip injury took. Read her edition of My Running Story to understand how grateful she is to have the opportunity to run again and how hard she’s worked to get to the 2020 Austin Half Marathon start line.

Intro to running

Brittany Drennan poses with a half marathon finisher medal. Read her edition of My Running Story to learn how she's been given the opportunity to run again.I have always been an emotional person. It’s just who I am. I cry at sappy movies and symphonies. And I can’t even play an instrument. In 2008, I registered for the Baylor Bearathon (half marathon) and I still don’t know what possessed me to do that. I had never run more than the occasional 5K.

The Bearathon is grueling, with about 5-6 miles of rolling hills. Having only run about 6 miles as my “long run” and never doing hill work, I thought my legs were going to detach from my body after Mile 7. I vividly remember thinking, “Where is the school? Waco is not that big…” But I don’t remember finishing. The next day I cried trying to get out of my bunk bed, my body hurt so badly.

I ran the Bearathon consistently for several years and as I was preparing for the 2015 race, I lunged to catch a patient at work and felt a pop in my left hip. While running the next day, I fell to the ground due to a subluxation of my left hip. As I crawled back to the house, I began to panic, tears streaming down my face. If I can’t walk, how can I run? I forfeited my Bearathon entry that year and was absolutely devastated.

It took about 18 months to rehab my hip. I worked from the ground up; crying tears of frustration when my hip couldn’t even tolerate the recumbent bike. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever endured. Near constant pain with no end in sight. I’d ask myself, “Why am I doing this? What am I trying to prove?”

The opportunity to run again

More than two years later, I lined up for the 2017 Bearathon. I was choking back tears of anxiety and fear. What if my hip goes out? Will everything I’ve done be for not? Two and a half hours later, I crossed the finish line in near hysterics. But finally, FINALLY, my tears were not from pain or frustration or fear. They were tears of joy and gratitude. I had been given the opportunity to run again.

I completed my tenth half this past October. Now when I cross the finish line of every half I weep. I used to be embarrassed. It’s not like I won or anything similar. Now I realize that it’s just my body’s way of saying “thank you.” I can’t wait to cross the Austin Half Marathon finish line!

My Running Story is a series of blog submissions from runners just like yourself. They submitted their inspirational running stories as part of a contest to win an entry of their choice to the 2020 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon. Their stories range from crossing their first finish line to drastic lifestyle change due to running. Everyone’s story is different and unique, impacting them in a specific way. While each story is specific to the author, everyone can resonate in some form or fashion because of the power of running. Other My Running Story submissions include Kayleigh Williamson, Kirsten Pasha, Michael Coffey, Samantha Santos, Tom Hamann, Erica Richart, Angela Clark, Rebecca Galvan, Jeremy Tavares, Axel Reissnecker, and Blair Nagel.

Free 5K Training Plan for Austin Marathon KXAN Simple Health 5K

FREE 12-week 5K training plan to get you ready for Austin Marathon KXAN Simple Health 5K

Professional triathlete and coach Paul “Barny” Matthews constructed a free 5K training plan for 2020. Don’t worry, the plan will still get you ready for the 2021 Austin Marathon KXAN Simple Health 5K benefiting Paramount Theatre on February 14th! Whether you’re new to running or returning from a lengthy absence, download this free 12-week 5K training plan and toe the start line with confidence. Barny is the coach of Heather Lieberg, 2019 Austin Marathon female champ (2:42:27) and 2020 Olympic Marathon Trials qualifier.

Are you running the Austin Marathon or Austin Half Marathon? Download Barny’s free marathon or half marathon training plan today!

Register for the Austin Marathon KXAN Simple Health 5K!

Train for your 5K with a pro

Barny is a world-class triathlete, winning or placing at numerous IRONMANs and 70.3s. He broke onto the triathlon scene at the 2014 IRONMAN Asia Pacific Championship in Melbourne. The native Australian finished second in his home country with a time of 8:02:14. He ran the marathon portion of the triathlon (final portion) in 2:44:09! During the marathon, Barny averaged 6:26 min/mile after swimming 2.4 miles and cycling 112 miles! His coaching style provides athletes with a blend of training knowledge he’s learned first-hand. Barny also includes lessons he’s been taught from other world-class runners and triathletes. Barny lives in Austin, but coaches athletes around the world.

This downloadable plan is geared for runners who’ve just discovered running or are returning from a lengthy absence. You can customize this training plan yourself by adjusting the specific workouts and their days to fit your busy life.

Pro tip: when you have a rest day, take it!

Take your training to the next level and contact Matthews today for personalized coaching. Make sure you ask for his special Austin Marathon coaching rate! Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to see where he’s training and join him for a workout.

Enter your email to download the KXAN Simple Health 5K training plan!

Free 5K training plan for the month of November, designed by Paul "Barny" Matthews for the 2020 Austin Marathon KXAN Simple Health 5K.

Free 5K training plan for the month of December, designed by Paul "Barny" Matthews for the 2020 Austin Marathon KXAN Simple Health 5K.

Free 5K training plan for the month of January, designed by Paul "Barny" Matthews for the 2020 Austin Marathon KXAN Simple Health 5K.

Free 5K training plan for the month of February, designed by Paul "Barny" Matthews for the 2020 Austin Marathon KXAN Simple Health 5K.