5 Summertime Running Tips to Beat the Heat

Stay in shape and beat the heat with these summertime running tips

They say Austin is the opposite of Winterfell… summer is coming. Some days it might feel like it’s already here! Make sure you take advantage of the few cool days and mornings that we have left. When summer finally arrives you’ll know it by the humidity in the mornings and the soaring heat in the afternoons. But that doesn’t mean you have to completely stop running. Implement our 5 summertime running tips to beat the heat. You’ll be that much more prepared for Ascension Seton Austin Marathon training when fall rolls around!


Oftentimes the most overlooked tip. Not because people don’t hydrate, but because people underhydrate. 30-50 fluid ounces is recommended daily. If you’re more active you’ll need to increase the amount. Make sure to incorporate a nice balance of water and a liquid with electrolytes. This 3M Half Marathon blog post will teach you more about the reasoning for proper hydration.

Protect yourself

If you run when the sun is out, protect yourself from its rays.

  • apply sweat-proof sunscreen before your run or workout
  • put on a hat or visor to protect your face
  • wear lighter colored clothes (dark colors absorb more heat) and sweat-wicking material
  • rock the shades (protect your eyes from the sun’s rays and glares from other objects)

Adjust schedule

It’s no secret that the mornings and evenings are cooler than the afternoon. Running/working out when it’s 15-20 degrees cooler can make all the difference. The last thing you want to do is overheat your body.

Pro tip: start your morning run from Barton Springs Pool and jump in after. Entrance is free before 8:00 a.m. This is a great way to cool your body down and relax your muscles.


You don’t have to stop running, but your mileage will decrease when you implement cross-training. This can be as simple as riding your bike on these shaded trails or swimming laps in one of Austin’s amazing pools. You could try goat yoga, Camp Gladiator workouts, or rock climbing. Remember to apply sunscreen if you’re outdoors. Feel like you’ve run out of things to do in Austin? These 5 non-running activities will get you going again!

Hit the trails

Get off the roads and hit the trails! Austin is crawling with amazing trails that you can run on. Running with nature gets you away from the asphalt (absorbs heat), away from cars and their exhaust, and closer to the trees (that provide shade) and creeks (where you can cool off if needed).

Pro tip: if you run with your dog on the trails, obey all city ordinances and make sure you pack water and a bowl (or that the creeks have running water).

Recommendations from Twitter

We asked Twitter “what’s one thing you always do/have/eat/drink before, during, or after your summer runs?” and received some great responses. We listed a few of them below!

@TheBeerRunner – Beer

@fashionablemileDrink: nuun – Do: change shoes/socks mid run + jump in pool post run

@Msnazzy – black coffee before, water during, and beer after

As you can see, there are many ways to beat the summer heat and stay in shape. Feel like you’ve run out of things to do in Austin? These 5 non-running activities will get you going again! You can apply all of these summertime running tips if you live outside of Austin.


Favorite Murals on the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon Course

Murals along the Austin Marathon course you have to see

Austin is well-known for many things: live music, tacos, bats, and running just to name a few. But you might not be aware of the amazing murals all over Austin.

The slideshow below features some of our favorite paintings throughout the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon course. If you missed the individual images on our Instagram, go back and check them out!

Live in Austin or planning to visit again? Use this helpful map to locate your favorites. Get ready for some selfies!

Scout Troops 49 and 490 Play Integral Race-Day Role

Scout Troops support Austin Marathon from start to finish

The Ascension Seton Austin Marathon presented by Under Armour brought nearly 16,000 runners from all 50 states and 35 countries, tens of thousands of spectators, and a lot of trash. High Five Events, owners of the Austin Marathon, work with local organizations to clean up the trash left on the course by runners and spectators. This year, Scout Troops 49 and 490 volunteered to sweep the course in exchange for a donation. Working in teams, the scouts walked the course and picked up discarded items.

Scout Troops 49 and 490 present the colors prior to the start of the 2019 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon.

Scout Troops 49 and 490 present the colors prior to the start of the 2019 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon.

“We enjoyed partnering with Troops 49 and 490,” said Dan Carroll, co-owner of High Five Events. “They understand what we’re doing and have a commitment to the community to make sure we leave the course clean.”

Beyond the usual wrappers and cups along the course, the scouts found a lot of interesting things including Yeti cups, discarded hydration belts, and layers that were shed as the day warmed up. Clothing found along the course was laundered and donated to local charities.

“This isn’t much different from a backpacking trip,” said Jonah Rehder of Troop 49. “When we camp, we follow ‘Leave No Trace’ guidelines, so we’re used to packing out all our trash.”

Some in the troop have a message for runners: “Runners should be more aware of the microtrash they create when they open up those gel packets,” said Troop 49 co-Scoutmaster Karl Loftis. “Those little tabs are hard to see and pick up which means some of them end up washing down the drain and into the lake.”

Presenting the colors

In addition to sweeping the course, Troops 49 and 490 presented the colors during the national anthem before the race. The five-scout flag crew included Eagle Scouts Marshall Haynes and Jordan Trimyer. Scouts Lindy Green, Jonah Rehder, and Ben Nebeibergall rounded out the team. As a second-year Scout, Nebeibergall admitted to some butterflies before the event. He said afterward he was elated at being part of the experience.

“I was really nervous standing in front of 16,000 people, but it was really fun once we started,” said Nebeibergall.

About Troop 49 and 490: Troop 490 is girls troop linked with Troop 49. Scouting USA started allowing all girl troops to form in January 2019. Both troops are sponsored by Faith Lutheran Church in the Crestview neighborhood. Both troops meet at Faith Lutheran Church on Tuesday nights, starting at 7:00. More information about Troop 49 and 490 can be found our their Facebook page and website.

How to Stay Motivated after the Austin Marathon/Half Marathon

Keep the good times rolling, stay motivated with these tips

You trained a great deal in preparation for the Austin Marathon or Austin Half Marathon. Most of you trained at least 3-4 months, some of you as many as 12 months! Either way, you’ve established a rhythm and created a solid foundation with which you can build off of in preparation for the 2020 Ascension Seton Austin Marathon! Read below to see how to stay motivated now that you’ve crossed the Congress Ave. finish line.

Reward yourself

Early mornings. Late nights. Months of training. Hundreds of miles. One finish line. You achieved your goals and accomplished dreams! Reward yourself and commemorate your moment when you purchase official, limited-edition Austin Marathon gear from the online Fleet Feet Austin store. Show off in your Run Austin Under Armour gear during your next workout or on your next long run. Be proud of your accomplishments! Hurry, because supplies are limited. Pro tip: when you don’t feel like working out or going for a long run, bust our your Run Austin gear for an energy boost!

Join a running club

If you don’t already run with a club or a group, this section is for you! If you do run with a club or group, check out some other options around town. It never hurts to meet more runners, try new workouts, and log more miles! Various groups and clubs around Austin have differing schedules, so they can accommodate most any runner in any part of Austin.

  • RAW Running meets twice a week on Tuesday evening (7:00 at Deep Eddy Cabaret) and Friday morning (6:30 at Fleet Feet Austin).
  • East Side Beer Runners meet on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at Hops and Grain and explore Austin’s trails on Sunday morning. RAW and ESBR don’t charge for membership.
  • Austin Runners Club has runs just about every day of the week in every part of Austin. ARC dues are $30/year, but if you join ARC while registering for the Austin Marathon or 3M Half Marathon it only costs $25!
  • Pro tip: if you’re not in Austin, use this helpful tool from the Road Runners Club of America to find a running club near you.

Branch out

Chances are high that all or a high percentage of your Austin Marathon or Austin Half Marathon training miles were completed on the road. Now’s the time to branch out and explore other locations and endurance sports! There are numerous benefits to running on trails or completing your first triathlon.

  • Trail running will purposefully slow you down. You can really dial in your pace, allowing your body to continue getting stronger. With the ups and downs, twists and turns, you work your muscles differently. This helps with the strengthening, especially with your ankles and feet. Wherever you run on trails, you get to see some of the prettiest locations in your city! Pro tip: pay attention! You can’t just zone out like you sometimes can on the road, you have to pay attention to everything, from roots to rocks. The last thing you want is to end up on the ground!
  • Register for your first triathlon, like Rookie Triathlon. The benefits of cross-training are endless! With a 300m swim, 11.2-mile bike, and 2-mile run, this event is perfect for first-timers. You’ve got the running part down, now focus on the swim and bike portions. Once you adjust your training you’ll really feel your body get stronger. Austin has several pools where you can start your swim training and numerous bike paths where you can lock in your bike training.

Register for short-distance races

Speedwork makes the dream work! Now is the time most runners switch from long-distance training to shorter distances, especially with the impending Texas heat. This allows them to remain in shape while strengthening their muscles differently. Speedwork will help you get faster if you utilize your training properly. Just because you focus on shorter distances doesn’t mean you can ignore recovery, stretching, foam rolling, etc. You still have to take care of your body! 

  • Cap10K – Cap10K is entering its 42nd year and is the largest 10K in Texas. With more than 24,000 registrants expected on April 7th, Cap10K is annually one of the largest 10Ks in the US. Cap10K starts on Congress Ave. Bridge and finishes near Auditorium Shores. The finish line festival is complete with a selfie drone, beer garden, and live music.

Workout with Camp Gladiator

This crew got you loose on Feb. 17th, so you know they know their stuff. They also had 12 cheer stations on course, so you know they can bring the energy! CG is an outdoor fitness program for all fitness levels. They have workouts all over Austin, find one near you. These workouts will make you a better runner because you can trim down, work on your core, and increase your overall strength. Learn how you can take advantage of their best pricing of the season!

Raise money for your favorite charity

Another great way to stay motivated is to fundraise on behalf of your favorite Austin Gives Miles nonprofit leading up to Feb. 16, 2020. Add more meaning to your training miles and make a significant impact on Central Texas. Raise money from family and friends for each mile you run or each run you complete. Either way, you’re using your legs for good! It’s tough to choose from all the amazing Austin Gives Miles charities, but if you ran with us on Feb. 17th, think back to the aid station that gave you the most energy. The one that pumped you up when you needed it the most. Write down that nonprofits name and fundraise on their behalf when you train for the Austin Marathon, half marathon, or 5K.

Start a team for 2020

It’s never too early to begin planning for 2020 3M Half Marathon (Jan. 19th) and Ascension Seton Austin Marathon (Feb. 16th). There are many reasons to create a team. Starting a team is a great way to hold others accountable during training. Plus, running is better with friends! Why pick either event when your team can register to run both events. Grab brunch after long runs, make shirts for race day, or support an Austin Gives Miles charity. Let the recruiting begin!