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6 Signs You Need to Take a Day Off from Running

Take a day off from running if you exhibit one of these 6 signs

If you are a regular runner, you know how you can get stuck in a rut during training. Perhaps you skip your rest day thinking you can get ahead. You may train longer and eat healthier, but you are not getting any faster or stronger. Sounds like you’re overtraining. Rest days are vital and the key to preventing overtraining. By overtraining, your body doesn’t have the opportunity to recover. This results in getting stuck into the black hole called overtraining. Check for these 6 signs to see if you need to take a day off from running. 

6 signs you need a rest day

1. Tired

If you feel exhausted, sore, or fatigued even after getting 7-8 hours of sleep, take a rest for a day or two. This will aid in your body’s recovery process and give your muscles a chance to heal. In addition to a rest day, follow these tips that’ll help you balance life and training better.

2. Not sleeping

You need a rest day if you still feel fatigued after 7-8 hours of sleep.

If you are having trouble sleeping, it is a sign that your nervous system is working overtime. Lack of proper sleep results in poor performance. It could also inhibit the conversion of carbs to glycogen. Avoid scrolling on your phone before bed. Establish and follow a bedtime routine to signify to your body it’s time to sleep.

3. Dehydrated

If you feel super thirsty constantly or the color of your urine is dark yellow, it is a sure sign of dehydration. Exhausted adrenal glands start releasing cortisol, also called the stress hormone, resulting in an increased demand for water. Without proper hydration, the body reaches catabolic state, a condition that can include extreme fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and sleeplessness.

4. Sluggish during run

Every runner experiences a bad workout every now and then. If you feel weak and slow during several workouts, it is a red flag. Your body may not be getting time to recover making you feel fatigued and tired.

5. Mental burnout

Mental exhaustion is a major symptom of overtraining. Though it is normal to feel like not working out every once in a while, if this becomes regular it may indicate a deep physical and mental burnout. Your body is so worn out that your desire to run may not be as high as it normally is. Running can reduce your stress, but it can also increase anxiety if you don’t take a rest day.

You need a rest day if you experience burnout from overtraining.

6. Abnormal heart rate

An elevated or reduced heart rate is also an indication of exercise-related stress. If your body isn’t responding how it normally does then you need to take a day or two off from running. If it persists you need to visit your doctor. Pro tip: become a more efficient runner with this advice on how to breathe properly.

Rest is extremely beneficial

Remember, rest and recovery are great for your body. They provide the opportunity for you to make mental and physical repairs. Take your rest days and make sure you’re sleeping well. Pair that with proper nutrition and hydration and you’ll breeze through your training. Remember, if you experience these red flags your body is telling you to take a day off from running.

Where To Run in Austin?

Where to run in Austin? It is such a hard question to whittle down because there are so many great running routes and places to explore. Austin is a runner’s paradise, offering a plethora of running options that cater to everyone from fitness enthusiasts to seasoned marathoners. Whether you’re gearing up for the 2025 Austin Marathon or just looking for a scenic route to get your miles in, this guide will take you through some of the most captivating terrains Austin has to offer.

Four excellent running places in Austin

There are plenty of them. But we have zeroed in on a handful that are known to provide a vivid running experience.

1. Town Lake Trail

Austin has something to offer to every runner from pro down to a rookie. So if you are a newbie, you have the 3.2-mile loop between the South First Bridge and the Mopac Bridge to explore. Marked by two water stops, this loop is short and easy to navigate. However, this area also boasts of longer trails that are seven miles and 10 miles respectively which are meant for the more experienced runners.

Parking Advice: There are several parking options available, including the parking lot at Auditorium Shores (800 W Riverside Dr) and limited street parking around the area. Be sure to arrive early on weekends to secure a spot.

2. McKinney Falls State Park

Located well within the city limits, this is one of the best places to train in Austin. This park has breathtaking scenery and waterfalls, and is home to two prominent running trails. These winding trails not only stretch for miles, but they also have elevations that rise to more than several hundred feet. This area is perfect for those of you who are contemplating participating in the Austin Marathon. But also, if running is your passion or a stress buster, this place is a must-visit.

Parking Advice: The park has a large parking area near the entrance. A small entrance fee is required, so bring some cash or a card.

3. Barton Creek Greenbelt

Austin runners can run on the Greenbelt, trail running is a helpful beginner running tip.

Located in the heart of the city, this place is inundated by miles of trees, along with various waterfalls, and limestone cliffs. Starting from Zilker Park, this trail provides a good opportunity for runners to test their skills. From navigating around uneven terrain to conquering the Hill of Life at the end of the trail. There are tons of other great trails around Austin, explore more

Parking Advice: There are several access points to the Greenbelt, with popular spots being at Barton Springs Pool (2201 Barton Springs Rd) or the Spyglass Trailhead (1601 Spyglass Dr).

4. Travis Heights

Some neighborhoods are also great places for training in Austin, like Travis Heights. It is easier to run in neighborhoods as you can continue doing it regularly without any limit. Travis Heights is a quiet residential neighborhood dotted with hills that offer peace, and the freedom to explore your running prowess to the fullest.

Parking Advice: Street parking is available throughout the neighborhood. It’s generally easy to find a spot, but be mindful of parking signs and residential areas.

5. Barton Hills Neighborhood

The Barton Hills neighborhood offers a fantastic running experience with its quiet, residential streets and rolling hills. This area is perfect for those who prefer running in a peaceful setting. Plus, after your run, you can cool off with a refreshing dip in nearby Barton Springs, making it an ideal spot for a post-run relaxation session.

Parking Advice: Street parking is available throughout the neighborhood. Be mindful of those who live in the neighborhood and one way streets.

With its diverse running trails, Austin is truly a runner’s paradise. Whether you’re chasing your marathon dreams, ramping up your fitness routine, or simply enjoying the joy of running, Austin has the perfect trail for you. So lace up your running shoes and discover the magic of running in this vibrant city!

Explore these Local Austin Breweries

4 Taper Tips: Focus on Controlling What You Can Control

Get to the start line ready to roll with these taper tips

The Taper. If you’re unfamiliar, tapering refers to the reduction in volume and intensity of your workouts leading to race day. You’ve been running for months, increasing your mileage, getting better and better. Your body is in training mode and it can be difficult to turn that off. Follow these taper tips to effectively utilize the extra time you now have. Continue to follow your training plan, implement these taper tips, and get to the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon or Austin Half Marathon start line ready to run your best

Take care of yourself

This is vital and something you should’ve been doing since you began training! However, it becomes even more important leading up to Feb. 16th. Your training has introduced more miles than normal, early wake-up calls, and a reduction in time for yourself. Tapering your miles means you’ll have more time for self-care. Spend an extra 30-60 minutes a day foam rolling and stretching. Schedule a massage. Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep.

Dial-in your nutrition/hydration

Keep an eye on your calorie intake! You burned more calories during training than you will when you taper. Adjust accordingly so the pounds you shed during training stay off! Focus on a balanced diet of moderate carbs, quality protein, and healthy fats. Start hydrating NOW. You should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Continue including electrolytes like you’ve done during training. Carry a tube of Nuun with you, pop a tablet into your reusable bottle, and make your water count! Make sure you try the on-course fuel, GU Energy Labs.

No new workouts

Just like nothing new on race day, no new workouts when tapering. This includes everything from a pick-up basketball game to lifting heavy weights at the gym. You don’t want to run the risk of spraining your ankle or pulling a muscle. Stick with what’s comfortable. If that’s running or cross-training (swimming, cycling, etc.), focus on less-intense and lower-volume workouts. 

Sidetrack yourself

An increase in your mileage could mean you’re behind on your favorite show. Maybe you haven’t read those new books you got for Christmas. Now’s the time to distract yourself from the fact that you aren’t running as much as you have been. Spend a couple of hours binging your favorite show. Grab that new book and read at your favorite park. If you find yourself getting antsy because you’re not moving, try to foam roll or stretch while watching your favorite show. Or try reading your book while riding a stationary bike.

Follow these taper tips so the taper doesn’t frustrate you or stress you out. The sudden addition of extra time and the feeling that you should be running can be confusing. Follow these taper tips and focus on controlling what you can control. What do you do to get to the start line ready to roll when you taper? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.