Entries by Austin Marathon

How Runners Can Make Every Day Earth Day

Every morning, when you wake up and get into your running shoes, what is that one thing that motivates you to go out and do the hustle? Besides the obvious desire to remain fit, the beauty of the Earth itself is a tremendous motivator that makes us want to head out and experience the wonders […]

Tight Shoulders? Try These Stretches

Tight shoulders can be very painful. They are often seen in athletes because they use their shoulder muscles and ligaments too much. Tight shoulders can also affect the neck region and sometimes the whole upper body. If you don’t warm-up and stretch properly before muscle training, the chance of having tight shoulder blades increases. A […]

Does Training on Different Surfaces Matter? 

Runners often train in areas that are in or near their neighborhoods. This can include sidewalks, parks, or roads close to their homes. However, you should consider training grounds other than roads. When you train on different surfaces, your scenery changes often. The kind of workout you need to do, as well as the amount […]

The Benefits of Training with a Group

Doing activities alone may not always yield the desired results. But when you join a group, the same activities may turn out to be more enjoyable, motivating, and productive, and this can be especially true for running. If you are contemplating participating in the Austin marathon, half marathon, or 5K, training for it solo may […]